The Requirement #1: Flight Search was selected to develop a REST API using SpringBoot and Java 1.8.
- Gradle 6.0.1
- Java 1.8. Please be sure to have JAVA_HOME environment variable settled down to jdk1.8.0_*. Example:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home
- controllers: Package for all controllers. In this case FlightController, responsible for exposing the endpoint for filtering flights.
- dao: Package for Data Access Object.
- entity: Package with the models.
- exception: Package with the custom exceptions.
- handler: Package for handlers, filters. in this case RestExceptionHandler is responsible for transforming exceptions to REST responses.
- mapper: Package with mappers. Mappers are used in this case to convert DTO to entity.
- repository: Package with the repositories: In this case FlightInMemoryRepository is responsible for fetching data related to flights. No business logic should be here.
- service: Package with the services. In this case FlightService is responsible for applying business logic (generate the filter that meets the specified requirements).
- specification: Package with the used filters. In this case FlightSpecification with the Predicates to filter by departure time.
- util: Utility classes.
The endpoint for filtering in under the URL http://localhost:8080/api/flights?departure=DEPARTURE_DATE
curl -X GET \
- departure parameter is mandatory
- departure parameter should have one of the following formats:
- hh:mmAM
- h:mmAM
- hh:mmPM
- h:mmPM
- When filtering flights by departure time, range [-5,5] inclusive is used.
- No overflow was used. That means if we want to filter by 02:00AM, the min range will be 00:00 hours. For the max range the max value will be 23:59.
- No authentication/authorization was implemented so the endpoint is exposed without security.
- No logging/tracing was implemented so it would be difficult to detect any problem.
- Current repository is in memory using h2 and JPA.
- No paging/sorting was implemented.
- Data feed is in "/resources/flights.csv". DataInit.js take the information from this file and save it to an h2 database.
- Initial Springboot app generated with:
After starting the app, navigate to http://localhost:8080/h2-console with the data provided in the under the fallowing properties:
./gradlew bootRun
: Use this command to start the application../gradlew test
: Use this command to run all tests../gradlew clean build
: Use this command to clean the build directory and generate it again.