Simple web application that allows a single nmap xml result file to be uploaded, parsed and shown in a web view
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
OS Supported
Mac OS version 10.14
Ubuntu version 16.04
Python Version Supported
Python 3.6
Clone repository to local computer.
git clone
Change directory to BishopFoxTest.
cd BishopFoxTest
Install python modules needed for the application, these are defined in the requirements.txt file.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user
Start up application by running
Open browser of your choice go to url listed below.
This will the display application home page which can guide you to file upload and results pages.
In BishopFoxTest directory, run
python --nmap-file nmap.results.xml
This will print the parsed file results to stdout.
- Flask - The web framework used -
- sqlite - Database system used -
- Flask-SqlAlchemy - ORM framework used -
- Wesley Hedrick
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
I chose the XML file format due to its ease of use with the python language. There is support for parsing xml files and strings in the standard libary of python.
- Number of hostnames per host is less than two.
- Application is allowed to run in debug mode.
- Uploaded records do not need to be saved, records are purged every upload and on application restart.
- Size of the files uploaded are not very large.