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Jake Piccolo edited this page Mar 28, 2016 · 14 revisions

You may be wondering: How do I deploy this thing? Well, look no further!

(Within 2 orders of magnitude of) 1 click deploy!

  1. ./
  2. ./ X.X.X
  3. ⚠️ Wait for travis to build the jar and push to maven repo
  4. ssh dev
  5. cd build
  6. sudo deploy
  7. ./ <version>
  8. cd packer-templates on local machine
  9. run ./
  10. wait for packer to build AMI
  11. create launch config with sanders create
  12. [optional, for suripu-app before doing the full prod deploy] sanders canary
  13. sanders deploy
  14. sanders status until you see what you want
  15. sanders confirm
  16. sanders status until you see what you want
  17. sanders sunset
  18. sanders status until you see what you want
  19. [optional] do it all over again for another app.
