Benchmarks report #70
on: workflow_dispatch
Benchmark report
1 error and 10 warnings
Benchmark report
# :warning: **Performance Alert** :warning:
Possible performance regression was detected for benchmark.
Benchmark result of this commit is worse than the previous benchmark result exceeding threshold `2`.
| Benchmark suite | Current: 8b878908579481b6025739afe6f249ffae81a363 | Previous: 3302a44512c906b860437214fd37361dcbf5a280 | Ratio |
| `matmul_split_0_N1_GPU - RUNTIME` | `0.007017500698566437` s (`0.014469628222286701`) | `0.002603390021249652` s (`0.006333751603960991`) | `2.70` |
| `matmul_split_0_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `86.41626709372461` % (`7.497791345216131`) | `26.097684747403566` % (`3.261074024611978`) | `3.31` |
| `matmul_split_1_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `86.16538367201522` % (`7.539155916320975`) | `25.856649768274337` % (`3.4118364558357817`) | `3.33` |
| `qr_split_0_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `84.38511427607698` % (`8.196118409692257`) | `24.821012981107344` % (`4.18130343902579`) | `3.40` |
| `qr_split_1_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `81.42570468391419` % (`10.28865153902457`) | `22.965160953705908` % (`6.261581862048063`) | `3.55` |
| `lanczos_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `79.19429186332415` % (`12.407264714250434`) | `20.336936804483464` % (`9.524618075954992`) | `3.89` |
| `hierachical_svd_rank_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `78.73179690267051` % (`12.925253374186736`) | `19.19226304383277` % (`11.024591515344797`) | `4.10` |
| `hierachical_svd_tol_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `78.71230914361438` % (`12.945706636861019`) | `18.981862685590478` % (`11.33747446609521`) | `4.15` |
| `kmeans_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `79.370602533506` % (`12.682345772899973`) | `18.856300757391526` % (`11.715180439146348`) | `4.21` |
| `kmedians_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `78.61231208641762` % (`10.637750159345384`) | `18.85433358177458` % (`11.852101519451143`) | `4.17` |
| `kmedoids_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `75.89407987113074` % (`15.46850512535414`) | `20.783858639013737` % (`11.972159856220008`) | `3.65` |
| `reshape_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `76.6130541690728` % (`20.724061786524725`) | `22.155914415212216` % (`13.53664413597613`) | `3.46` |
| `concatenate_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `76.6136691290199` % (`20.723875493794324`) | `22.155092273835585` % (`13.53602296426989`) | `3.46` |
| `apply_inplace_standard_scaler_and_inverse_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `76.6160218495481` % (`20.723072036592235`) | `22.14764316500045` % (`13.530839525169128`) | `3.46` |
| `apply_inplace_min_max_scaler_and_inverse_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `76.61732357720598` % (`20.722701114144403`) | `22.144700916487018` % (`13.528898709519552`) | `3.46` |
| `apply_inplace_max_abs_scaler_and_inverse_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `76.61795914955168` % (`20.72255046246034`) | `22.143611868533533` % (`13.52801327438862`) | `3.46` |
| `apply_inplace_robust_scaler_and_inverse_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `79.18146261469116` % (`11.755070574046954`) | `20.080137089728744` % (`11.171567823872769`) | `3.94` |
| `apply_inplace_normalizer_N1_GPU - CPU_UTIL` | `73.31179600788793` % (`12.895136185108`) | `19.101003681864807` % (`13.064362492410353`) | `3.84` |
| `matmul_split_0_N4_CPU - POWER` | `39.513828964962876` W (`16.193301459079382`) | `15.890759183255938` W (`14.621856580797465`) | `2.49` |
| `matmul_split_0_N4_CPU - CPU_UTIL` | `100` % | `32.754474825272816` % (`1.5797409019648219`) | `3.05` |
| `matmul_split_0_N4_CPU - GPU_UTIL` | `5.75958251953125` % (`2.03591032207673`) | `1.55914306640625` % (`0.43572262352865454`) | `3.69` |
| `matmul_split_1_N4_CPU - POWER` | `39.43630102183744` W (`16.122886742094575`) | `15.818158042476867` W (`14.68703414527611`) | `2.49` |
| `matmul_split_1_N4_CPU - CPU_UTIL` | `100` % | `33.74072262170039` % (`2.8063102646068585`) | `2.96` |
| `matmul_split_1_N4_CPU - GPU_UTIL` | `5.75958251953125` % (`2.03591032207673`) | `1.55914306640625` % (`0.43572262352865454`) | `3.69` |
| `qr_split_0_N4_CPU - POWER` | `88.22502684777655` W (`19.31471811875712`) | `41.73167924021085` W (`15.78867461095859`) | `2.11` |
| `qr_split_0_N4_CPU - CPU_UTIL` | `99.99956074969816` % (`0.0013177509055054772`) | `33.514057312688955` % (`2.8675977414109264`) | `2.98` |
| `qr_split_0_N4_CPU - GPU_UTIL` | `5.76263427734375` % (`2.038341
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 0.002603390021249652 and current value is 0.007017500698566437. It is 2.6955241593796884x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 26.097684747403566 and current value is 86.41626709372461. It is 3.311261819971294x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 25.856649768274337 and current value is 86.16538367201522. It is 3.332426452932764x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 24.821012981107344 and current value is 84.38511427607698. It is 3.399744979800268x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 22.965160953705908 and current value is 81.42570468391419. It is 3.5456187242952657x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 20.336936804483464 and current value is 79.19429186332415. It is 3.894111125224377x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 19.19226304383277 and current value is 78.73179690267051. It is 4.102267498254727x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 18.981862685590478 and current value is 78.71230914361438. It is 4.1467115449827014x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 18.856300757391526 and current value is 79.370602533506. It is 4.2092350750394845x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2
Benchmark report
Performance alert! Previous value was 18.85433358177458 and current value is 78.61231208641762. It is 4.169455883734215x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 2