A Helm chart for Kubernetes
When the main branch of this chart is updated, using Github Actions we send the updated version to helm-charts repo to be indexed and packaged automatically.
Additionally there is a workflow that allows bumping the chart version, if this is all that is needed to the cooresponding version of the appstore repository.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
Choose http or https for the protocol that is used by external users to access the appstore web service. |
SET_BUILD_ENV_FROM_FILE | bool | false |
Set environment variables from a file. |
affinity | object | {} |
ambassador.flag | bool | true |
register appstore with ambassador flag: |
apps.DATASOURCE_CONNECTION_URL | string | "" |
apps.DATASOURCE_PASSWORD | string | "" |
apps.DATASOURCE_USERNAME | string | "ohdsi" |
apps.DICOMGH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | string | "" |
apps.FLYWAY_DATASOURCE_USERNAME | string | "ohdsi" |
apps.HELX_DB_HOSTNAME | string | "" |
Specify the database hostname used for pgAdmin's clients to connect to. If specified this replaces 'mimic-postgresql' in the pgadmin4.db configuration file. |
apps.PGADMIN_DISABLE_POSTFIX | string | "true" |
apps.PGADMIN_EMAIL | string | "[email protected]" |
Specify email for pgAdmin user. |
apps.PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT | string | "80" |
apps.WEBTOP_PGID | string | "1000" |
PGID variable in webtop specifies the GID to switch the user to after initialization. |
apps.WEBTOP_PUID | string | "1000" |
PUID variable in webtop specifies the UID to switch the user to after initialization. |
appstoreEntrypointArgs | string | "make start" |
Allow for a custom entrypoint command via the values file. |
atlas.enabled | bool | true |
Disabling will turn off the creation of secrets/configmaps for Atlas |
db | object | {"name":"appstore","port":5432} |
appstore database settings |
debug | string | "" |
django.ALLOW_DJANGO_LOGIN | string | "" |
show Django log in fields (true |
django.ALLOW_SAML_LOGIN | string | "" |
show SAML log in fields (true |
django.APPSTORE_DJANGO_PASSWORD | string | "" |
django.APPSTORE_DJANGO_USERNAME | string | "admin" |
django.AUTHORIZED_USERS | string | "" |
user emails for oauth providers |
django.AUTO_WHITELIST_PATTERNS | list | [] |
Note that these only run on a user's primary alias. If a user has [email protected] as their primary alias, and [email protected] as a secondary alias, they will only be whitelisted automatically if cs.unc.edu emails are allowed. ex. Whitelist all RENCI emails - "^[A-Za-z0-9.%+-]+@renci\.org$" ex. Whitelist all UNC emails - "^[A-Za-z0-9.%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.)?unc\.edu$" ex. Whitelist CS dept. (grad./prof.) UNC emails - "^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@cs\.unc\.edu$" |
django.CSRF_DOMAINS | string | "https://*.renci.org,https://*.renci.unc.edu" |
allowed domains to make post requests to the appstore |
django.DEV_PHASE | string | "live" |
should be 'live' unless you are doing some kind of development |
django.DOCKSTORE_APPS_BRANCH | string | "v1.6.0" |
Specify the git branch to use for HeLx app specifications. When declaring 'tycho.externalAppRegistryRepo' leave this as an empty string. |
django.EMAIL_HOST | string | "" |
Email Server host ie relay.unc.edu |
django.EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | string | "" |
password of account to use for outgoing emails |
django.EMAIL_HOST_USER | string | "" |
email of account to use for outgoing emails |
django.EMAIL_PORT | string | "" |
Email Server port ie 25 or other. |
django.EMAIL_USE_TLS | bool | false |
Does the Email Server require TLS connection or not? Boolean (true |
django.IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL | string | "" |
Specify URL to use for the "Image Download" link on the top part of website. |
django.RECIPIENT_EMAILS | string | "" |
list of appstore registration emails |
django.REMOVE_AUTHORIZED_USERS | string | "" |
user emails to remove from an already-existing database |
django.SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT | string | "2592000" |
idle timeout for user web session |
djangoSettings | string | "helx" |
set the theme for appstore (bdc, braini, restartr, scidas) |
extraEnv | object | {} |
fetcherImage.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
pull policy |
fetcherImage.repository | string | "helxplatform/url-fetch" |
repository where image is located |
fetcherImage.tag | string | "latest" |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
gitea | object | {"enabled":false,"host":"eduhelx-git.apps.renci.org","serviceName":"gitea-ssh","user":"git"} |
gitea settings |
gitea.enabled | bool | false |
set whether a gitea connection is enabled |
gitea.host | string | "eduhelx-git.apps.renci.org" |
the hostname of the gitea server |
gitea.serviceName | string | "gitea-ssh" |
the name of service in Kubernetes to connect to gitea |
gitea.user | string | "git" |
the default user that gets populated in the gitea ssh config file |
global.ambassador_id | string | nil |
specify the id of the ambassador for Tycho-launched services. |
global.ambassador_mapping_name | string | "appstore-mapping" |
specify the mapping name for ambassador |
global.ambassador_service_name | string | "ambassador" |
specify the service name for ambassador |
global.stdnfsPvc | string | "stdnfs" |
the name of the PVC to use for user's files |
graderApiUrl | string | "" |
gunicorn.workers | int | 5 |
Set the number of gunicorn workers. (2*CPU)+1 is recommended. |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
pull policy |
image.repository | string | "containers.renci.org/helxplatform/appstore" |
repository where image is located |
image.tag | string | nil |
Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. Set to "" before release! |
imagePostgresql.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
pull policy |
imagePostgresql.repository | string | "docker.io/bitnami/postgresql" |
repository where postgresql image is located |
imagePostgresql.tag | int | 11 |
Image tag for postgresql, coordinate this with postgresql dependency. |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
credentials for a private repo |
imagej.enabled | bool | true |
Disabling will turn off the creation of secrets/configmaps for ImageJ |
irods.BRAINI_RODS | string | "" |
irods.IROD_COLLECTIONS | string | "" |
irods.IROD_ZONE | string | "" |
irods.NRC_MICROSCOPY_IRODS | string | "" |
irods.RODS_PASSWORD | string | "" |
irods.RODS_USERNAME | string | "" |
irods.enabled | bool | false |
enable irods support (true |
irodsUnbranded.IROD_HOST | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.IROD_PORT | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.IROD_USER_VALUES | object | {} |
irodsUnbranded.IROD_ZONE | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.NFSRODS_HOST | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.RODS_PASSWORD | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.RODS_USERNAME | string | "" |
irodsUnbranded.enabled | bool | false |
logLevel | string | "WARNING" |
Set the log level for the application. (DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR CRITICAL) |
logsStorageAppstore | object | {"claimName":null,"createPVC":false,"existingClaim":false,"storageClass":null,"storageSize":"2Gi"} |
Settings for django logs persistence. |
logsStorageAppstore.claimName | string | nil |
Specify the claim name if it pre-exists or it defaults to appstore-logs-pvc. |
logsStorageAppstore.existingClaim | bool | false |
Set to true if a claim has been created outside of the appstore chart. |
nameOverride | string | "" |
networkPolicyLabels.role | string | "appstore" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
oauth.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID | string | "" |
oauth.GITHUB_KEY | string | "" |
oauth.GITHUB_NAME | string | "" |
oauth.GITHUB_SECRET | string | "" |
oauth.GITHUB_SITES | string | "" |
oauth.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | string | "" |
oauth.GOOGLE_KEY | string | "" |
oauth.GOOGLE_NAME | string | "" |
oauth.GOOGLE_SECRET | string | "" |
oauth.GOOGLE_SITES | string | "" |
oauth.OAUTH_PROVIDERS | string | "" |
oauth providers separated by commas (google, github) |
octave.enabled | bool | true |
Disabling will turn off the creation of secrets/configmaps for Octave |
pgadmin.enabled | bool | true |
Disabling will turn off the creation of secrets/configmaps for PgAdmin |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
postgresql | object | {"audit":{"logConnections":true,"logHostname":true},"enabled":true,"global":{"postgresql":{"auth":{"database":"appstore-oauth","password":"renciAdmin","postgresPassword":"adminPass","username":"renci"}}},"networkPolicyEnabled":true,"persistence":{"existingClaim":"appstore-postgresql-pvc","storageClass":null},"primary":{"labels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"},"podLabels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"}},"volumePermissions":{"enabled":true}} |
postgresql settings |
postgresql.audit | object | {"logConnections":true,"logHostname":true} |
postgresql logs |
postgresql.global.postgresql | object | {"auth":{"database":"appstore-oauth","password":"renciAdmin","postgresPassword":"adminPass","username":"renci"}} |
postgresql credentials |
postgresql.networkPolicyEnabled | bool | true |
enable/disable postgresql network policy, allows traffic to and from appstore pod only. |
postgresql.persistence | object | {"existingClaim":"appstore-postgresql-pvc","storageClass":null} |
postgresql persistence storage |
postgresql.primary | object | {"labels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"},"podLabels":{"np-label":"appstore-db"}} |
postgresql labels |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" |
resources.limits.memory | string | "1024Mi" |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "200m" |
resources.requests.memory | string | "300Mi" |
saml.ASSERTION_URL | string | "" |
saml.AUTHORITY_URL | string | "" |
saml.ENTITY_ID | string | "" |
saml.cache.APPSTORE_DIRECTORY | string | "/saml" |
saml.cache.APPSTORE_FILE | string | "saml_metadata.xml" |
saml.cache.FETCH_FILE | string | "/data/saml_metadata.xml" |
saml.cache.FETCH_INTERVAL | string | "60000" |
saml.cache.claimName | string | "saml-cache" |
saml.cache.enabled | bool | false |
saml.cache.storageClass | string | "" |
saml.cache.storageSize | string | "20M" |
security.isolatedApps | bool | true |
service.name | string | "http" |
service.port | int | 80 |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
specifies whether a service account should be created |
serviceAccount.name | string | nil |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
sqliteStorage | object | {"claimName":null,"storageClass":null} |
Settings for django sqlite3 db file persistence, if postgresql is not enabled (postgresql.enabled: false). |
sqliteStorage.claimName | string | nil |
If a claim name is not specified, it defaults to appstore-oauth-pvc. |
tolerations | list | [] |
tycho.GPUResourceName | string | "nvidia.com/gpu" |
The GPU resource name that a container can utilize. Typically this is "nvidia.com/gpu", but other types exist, such as "nvidia.com/mig-1g.5gb" and other manufacturers have their own types. |
tycho.createHomeDirs | bool | true |
Create Home and shared directories for users. |
tycho.enableInitContainer | bool | true |
Start the init container to take care of any needed tasks before the main container is started. This can be to create certain directories or set file permissions. |
tycho.externalAppRegistryAppSpecsDir | string | "app-specs" |
tycho.externalAppRegistryBranch | string | nil |
The branch that would be appended to 'externalAppRegistryRepo' to retrieve the app registry and defaults files. The full URL, if using the externalAppRegistryRepo example for the app registry file would be 'https://github.com/helxplatform/helx-apps/raw/master/app-registry.yaml'. The default value is the AppVersion of this chart prefixed with a 'v' (ex. v2.0.0). |
tycho.externalAppRegistryEnabled | bool | false |
Enable/disable the external app registry file for Tycho. Set 'django.DOCKSTORE_APPS_BRANCH' to an empty string when when using an external app registry. |
tycho.externalAppRegistryRepo | string | "https://github.com/helxplatform/helx-apps/raw" |
Can be set to a git repo URL for fetching the app registry file or defaults file. Something in the form of 'https://github.com/helxplatform/helx-apps/raw'. |
tycho.fsGroup | int | 0 |
Application processes launched will also be part of this supplimentary group. |
tycho.init | object | {"resources":{"cpus":"250m","memory":"250Mi"}} |
Resource for Tycho init container. Defaults cpus |
tycho.initImageRepository | string | "busybox" |
The image repository to use for HeLx app init containers. |
tycho.initImageTag | string | "latest" |
The image tag to use for HeLx app init containers. |
tycho.initRunAsGroup | int | 0 |
Init processes will have this group permissions. |
tycho.initRunAsUser | int | 0 |
Init processes will run as this user. |
tycho.parent_dir | string | "/home" |
directory that will be used to mount user's home directories in |
tycho.runAsGroup | int | 0 |
Application processes launched will have this group permissions. |
tycho.runAsUser | int | 0 |
Application processes launched will run as this user. |
tycho.shared_dir | string | "shared" |
name of directory to use for shared data |
tycho.subpath_dir | string | nil |
Name of directory to use for a user's home directory. If null then the user's username will be used. |
updateStrategy.type | string | "Recreate" |
'RollingUpdate' or 'Recreate'. Must use Recreate if mounting PVCs due to multi-attach errors. |
useSparkServiceAccount | bool | false |
Set to true, when using blackbalsam. |
userStorage.createPVC | bool | true |
Create a PVC for user's files. If false then the PVC needs to be created outside of the appstore chart. |
userStorage.nfs.createPV | bool | false |
userStorage.nfs.path | string | nil |
userStorage.nfs.server | string | nil |
userStorage.retain | bool | true |
userStorage.storageClass | string | nil |
userStorage.storageSize | string | "10Gi" |
webtop.enabled | bool | true |
Disabling will turn off the creation of secrets/configmaps for Webtop |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0