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A Helm chart for deploying HeLx to Kubernetes.

Version: 4.4.2 Type: application AppVersion: 3.6.4

HeLx puts the most advanced analytical scientific models at investigator’s finger tips using equally advanced cloud native, container orchestrated, distributed computing systems. HeLx can be applied in many domains. Its ability to empower researchers to leverage advanced analytical tools without installation or other infrastructure concerns has broad reaching benefits.

# The most basic deployment of HeLx to a Kubernetes cluster on GKE.
# Add the helxplatform Helm repository.
helm repo add helx-charts
# Pull down latest chart updates.
helm repo update
helm -n $NAMESPACE --create-namespace install helx helx-charts/helx

# Deploy to a non-GKE cluster.
helm -n $NAMESPACE --create-namespace install helx helx-charts/helx --set appstore.userStorage.createPVC=true,nfs-server.enabled=false

# Review the output of the Helm install command.  To review the output use the
# status option.
helm -n $NAMESPACE status helx
# Delete the HeLx chart.
helm -n $NAMESPACE delete helx
# Get the default values yaml for HeLx and subcharts.
helm inspect values helx-charts/[helx ambassador nginx etc.]

To do more than the most basic install you should create a values.yaml that contains settings for your local HeLx environment. A sample is below.

    APPSTORE_DJANGO_PASSWORD: "< my secret password >"
    AUTHORIZED_USERS: "[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]"
    createPVC: true
    OAUTH_PROVIDERS: "google,github"
    GOOGLE_NAME: "< secret >"
    GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: "< secret >"
    GOOGLE_SECRET: "< secret >"
    GITHUB_NAME: "< secret >"
    GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: "< secret >"
    GITHUB_SECRET: "< secret >"

  enabled: false

    nginxTLSSecret: example-tls-secret

To deploy HeLx using the values.yaml use the following command.

helm -n $NAMESPACE --create-namespace install helx helx-charts/helx --values values.yaml

You can view the files for each subchart to see the variables that exist.


Key Type Default Description
ambassador.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of Ambassador
appstore-sockets.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of appstore websockets service
appstore.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of appstore
backup-pvc-cronjob.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of backup-pvc-cronjob
global.ambassador_service_name string "ambassador"
global.redis.existingSecret string "redis-secret"
global.redis.existingSecretPasswordKey string "redis-password"
global.restartr_api_service_name string "helx-restartr-api-service"
global.stdnfsPvc string "stdnfs"
image-utils.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of image-utils (imagepullsecret-patcher and imagepuller)
monitoring.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of monitoring (kube-prometheus-stack, cost-analyzer, etc.)
nfs-server.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of nfs-server
nfsrods.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of nfsrods
nginx.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of nginx
pod-reaper.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of pod-reaper
resty.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of nginx
search.enabled bool false enable/disable deployment of search
ui.enabled bool true enable/disable deployment of helx-ui

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0