This little script serves my particular need to track a DECT 440's humidity and temperature in a room with a dehumidifier connected to a DECT 200, while also collecting power consumption.
Unfortunately, Fritz!DECT 440 does not yet offer (daily) push mails that would let me collect its data like I am used to with Fritz!DECT 200 devices sending temperature and Watt data.
Using FritzBox' HTTP-AHA-Interface, fritzdect-aha-nodejs, Nodemailer and a Raspberry PI with a cronjob set up, this simple script accumulates measured values from DECT 440 and DECT 200 in a CSV file and sends it out via email every evening.
- Raspi (or any other Linux based machine running 24/7
- Node.js v20.6.0+ due to its native support for loading
files - regular SMTP email account
To install Node.js on Raspi, this line did the job for me (source).
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
git clone
this repo andnpm i
- Create
template and fill in the correct values whereAID_[DECT200|DECT440]
are your DECT's Actuator IDs - Modify path in
node --env-file=.env index.js
The shell script should have the executable bit checked out. If not, chmod u+x
to add it.
$ crontab -e
, add and modify this line
15,30,45,0 * * * * /home/USER/PATH/fritz-dect-statistics/ >> /home/USER/PATH/fritz-dect-statistics/run.log 2>&1`
This runs the script every hour at 15, 30, 45 and 0 minutes (just like Fritz!Box' daily push mail CSVs).
This crontab setup should survive reboots.
- The script accumulates data within
, adding a line every 15 minutes. statistics.csv
is checked in empty (with header only), then added to.gitignore
, then removed from Git tracking viagit update-index --assume-unchanged statistics.csv
. To temporarily track it again to commit changes usegit update-index --no-assume-unchanged statistics.csv
- Email is sent between 23:31 and 23:59, which means the crontab must be configured to run within this time of the day, if you want to receive a daily email. Furthermore it simply attaches the current CSV file, which is growing constantly. Maybe improve this later.