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Extend the Clojure LispReader with non-Lisp-ish embedded language forms

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Extend the Clojure LispReader with non-Lisp-ish embedded language forms.

WARNING! Do this at home -- ONLY!


This lib has not been released yet, so you'll have to get the source to use it.

See extended-lisp-reader/example.clj for usage examples.

In short:

  • Define a parser for an instaparse grammar:

      (def as-and-bs #[insta-cfg! s = 'a'* 'b'*])
  • And use it on some text:

      #[as-and-bs aabb] ;-> [:s "a" "a" "b" "b"]

Or -- if you already have an instaparse parser (partest-parser in this example) -- do this:

(def partest-parser (instaparse/parser (io/resource "partest.bnf")))
(def partest! (insta/parser-for partest-parser))
#[partest! [a]] ;-> [:s "[" [:s "a"] "]"]


There are several features in Clojure that help you build DSLs (macros, reader macros, tagged literals But these DSLs are still Lisp-ish in their grammar because the parts of these DSLs still have to be Clojure forms.

Some links on Clojure & DSL & reader:

If you want to offer a non-Lisp-ish DSL, you can use one of the parsers (e.g. ANTLR, instaparse available for the JVM: build the grammar, let the user write their input to some file and use the parser to consume that file. That will give you an AST (abstract syntax tree) which you have to process in some way -- usually this means, you have to write some sort of interpreter for this language/AST.

But sometimes you may wish to just write the DSL input in your Clojure code -- maybe like this:

(def foo #[42 - 3 * 7])
#[foo = 42 -3 * 7]
(def bar #[select * from mytable])


There are reasons not to go this way. Among others:

  • Other people will not understand what your code means ... although I've seen code that builds on macros a lot that is as hard to understand as my proposed extensions here ;-)

  • Using things that execute at read time introduces extra complexity. But then again that's true for eval reader (#=(<forms>)), record/type literal syntax (#<type>[<forms>]) and tagged literals (#<namespace>/<sym> [<forms>]) as well.

  • You'll screw up your favorite editor because it will have a hard time to tell which part of the files belongs to which grammar (for code highlighting etc). Of course there is always Emacs (

So please take this lib as an experiment and play around with it if you like. Don't expect others to use -- let alone like -- it.

The LispReader

The central class that parses all input is clojure.lang.LispReader ( It has a few things that you (as a programmer) can control from outside via the Clojure API (see above). The class itself is not part of the Clojure API so anything that you do to it directly may break once you switch to another version of Clojure.

The LispReader uses two arrays for dispatching on the input. Here I use clojure.lang.LispReader/dispatchMacros which holds Clojure functions (IFn) that are called by the LispReader with the that carries further input. This array is used to dispatch on a character after having found a # (reader macros). As of Clojure 1.6 this array does not have an entry for [. So for this lib I decided to use #[ in order to dispatch to my embedded language form reader.

Others have done something similar before:

This function must consume the head of the input (i.e. the passed in PushbackReader) and find a successful parse in terms of the grammar. The input that follows this head (i.e. the tail) must remain unconsumed in the PushbackReader so it can be consumed by further processing (driven by the LispReader).

Since I want to be able to use diffent grammars in one file I decided to use the first Clojure form following the #[ to control the grammar.

Example: #[sql select * from table]

Registering DSLs

So how do we map sql to the grammar? I think that Clojure's Namespaces and Var's are a great way to register stuff. So instead of defining my own mechanism I just use (namespace qualified) symbols.

(def sql (partial stream-parser/parse! (insta/parser-for "sql")))
#[sql select * from table]

This symbol resolves to a function that consumes a and returns the value of the form. So you're registering a function -- not a grammar.

Defining grammars

When you think about it you may ask: could I -- as a special use case -- define an instaparse grammar (or any other grammar) within the Clojure code and build a function that I could then use to process DSL input according to this grammar? Like this:

(def abs #[insta-cfg! s = 'a'* 'b'*])
#[abs aabbbb]

So in this case we have two embedded languages:

  • insta-cfg! lets you define a parser/grammar with #[insta-cfg! s = 'a'* 'b'*]

  • and abs uses this parser/grammar to consume input like #[abs aabbbb]


When you're consuming DSLs with a parser you usually build an AST first. Then you walk this AST and build up some data structure which you pass to some sort if interpreter (there are parsers that let you build that data structure as part of the parsing process; e.g. Of course you could skip the extra step and just interpret the AST directly while walking through it.

In Clojure we have clojure.lang.Compiler. So all we really have to do is build the AST (that's what instaparse gives us) and then postwalk the tree and produce clojure data structures which can/will be given to the Compiler by the LispReader. So we (re-) use the fact, that Clojure is a compiled language instead of building an interpreter for our DSLs.

Below you'll find a simple example of how to parse an embedded CSV form and how to process it, using defun.

This way we can (re-)use any macro and function we have. We can use the Lisp-ish macros and functions and build Lisp-ish DSLs if we like (and this has been done) and have tests against that and use them as usual.

And if we ever wanted a non-Lisp-ish DSL we can just build one on top of that and re-use all the tested stuff we already have. No extra wheel-re-inventing bug-ridden ad-hoc interpreter needed (which you need for your usual Java solution -- see for example; of course one can generate Java code as well and run the compiler on that, but still you would have to build that yourself).

So in the end we could get a compiled embedded DSL!


You'll may be surprised that you cannot comment-out embedded language forms with #_ in some cases (e.g. if foo has not been defined -- like in this example):

#_ #[foo bar]

You'll have to use

; #[foo bar]

More examples

Parsing CSV

This is a simple instaparse CSV grammar (there are some things missing, it's just here to show how things work in principle; see src/extended_lisp_reader/csv.clj for the source):

(def csv-data!
	file = record (line-break record)*
	<_> = <" "+>
	<CR> = '\u000D'
	<LF> = <'\u000A'>
	<line-break> = CRLF | CR | LF
	<field-sep> = <#" *, *">
	<field> = unquoted-field | quoted-field
	unquoted-field = #"[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
	quoted-field = <'"'> #"[^\"\n\r]*" <'"'>
	record = _? field (field-sep field)* _?

You can now evaluate:

  foo , "bar man ccc", boo
  fred , fox

Which gives you:

[:file [:record [:unquoted-field "foo"] [:quoted-field "bar man ccc"] [:unquoted-field "boo"]]
       [:record [:unquoted-field "fred"] [:unquoted-field "fox"]]
       [:record [:unquoted-field ""]]]

Now you can transform this AST and generate the result (using In this case we do this within one funtion but you may as well separate those two logical steps (this transformation is silly -- TODO: generate XML instead of CSV to make it a little more usefull)

(defun/defun xform
  ([[:file & es]] (clj-walk/postwalk xform es)) 
  ([[:unquoted-field e]] e) 
  ([[:quoted-field e]] (pr-str e))
  ([[:record & es]] (apply str (interpose "," es)))
  ([e] e))

Now run:

   foo , "bar man ccc", boo
   fred , fox
   ]) ;--> ["foo,\"bar man ccc\",boo" "fred,fox" ""]


  • This works (when put into example.clj):

      (def ccc #[insta/cfg-parser! s = 'a'* 'b'*])
      (ccc "aabb") ;-> [:s "a" "a" "b" "b"]

    But this doesn't:

      (#[insta/cfg-parser! s = 'a'* 'b'*] "aabb")
      ;-> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching ctor found for class clojure.core$partial$fn__4190
  • Doing slime-eval-buffer (I'm still using Emacs/SLIME/swank) fails if the buffer contains an embedded language form and the buffer is the one that installs extended-lisp-reader.core (e.g. when csv.clj is the first buffer evaluated). It seems that first the whole buffer is read by the Clojure reader and then each form is evaluated. In this case the form #[...] cannot be read, because before the namespace form must be evaluated. The same is true for #[insta/insta-cfg! ...] and #[csv-file ...]. So in this case you'll have to evaluate the namespace form and the #[insta/insta-cfg! ...] form separatly.

    I tried to have that evaluated via a reader eval but that did not work (see comment in csv.clj).

  • Make the stream-reading parser also parse/consume String (not only PushBackReader). That can be used for ad-hoc tests etc.

  • Add an example showing how to in-line real SQL code.

  • Add an example for embedding arbitrary text (ala bash here-document maybe with escape to Clojure via reader eval -- e.g.

      (def w ({1 "one" 2 "two" 4 "four"}))
      #[here <<<HERE
       This pangram lists #=(w 4) a's, #=(w 1) b, #=(w 1) c, #=(w 2) d's,
       twenty-nine e's, eight f's, three g's, five h's, eleven i's,
       one j, one k, three l's, two m's, twenty-two n's, fifteen o's,
       two p's, one q, seven r's, twenty-six s's, nineteen t's,
       four u's, five v's, nine w's, two x's, four y's, and one z.
  • Add language escape to Clojure to one of the example grammars. E.g. use the backtick char to signal, that the next (Clojure) form should be processed by the Clojure reader (i.e. the LispReader) and the value of that form is the value that the LispReader returns. Can this be done with instaparse? It would mean that the parser delegates the analysis to some function and continues the parse once the function has returned.

  • Usually the LispReader will return one value to the Compiler (for one S-expression) which will evaluate it.

    Q: Can the LispReader return a value that will be interpreted as many values (i.e. a list of values) by the Compiler and which will be evaluated as multiple forms?

    The rational of the question is that this would allow for multi value embedded language forms. Otherwise one would have to use multiple embedded language forms instead.

    Example: Instead of

      #[x foo = 42] ;-> (def foo 42)
      #[x bar = 2]  ;-> (def bar 2)

    one would like to use:

      #[x foo = 42; bar = 2] ;-> (def foo 42) (def bar 2)
  • Change contract of the parsing function: right now it returns nil. So! has no information about why a tried parse has failed. So if some input cannot be parsed at all and EOF is reached, we have no chance to give a hint about why some parses that have been tried might have failed. Chances are that we did place the closing "]" at the right position but that our input did not fit the grammar. So if we could give the reason for the last failure to the user, it could help a lot. instaparse does give this information. We just have to hand it to the stream-consuming loop, keep it there and then make it part of the exception that is throwm in case of EOF.

  • Can, clojure-csv.core and semantic-csv.core be integrated with this?


Extend the Clojure LispReader with non-Lisp-ish embedded language forms






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