Obfuscate the int index of R.id/R.string/R.layout… in the classes.dex of Android project.
混淆 Android 项目中 R.id/R.string/R.layout… 等在代码中的 int 索引,可以略微提升破解难度。
It only works for R in the sub modules. For app level module, R.id will be replaced to static int value before Robfuscate so it will not work.
- Add the following into your project level
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.heruoxin:Robfuscate:master'
- Modify your app level
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
// NOTICE: Robfuscate must be added AFTER android plugin.
apply plugin: 'com.catchingnow.robfuscate'