This repository is structured in the following way.
├── data
│ ├── density_matrices
│ └── time_series
├── figures
├── results
└── scripts
: Folder containing the density matrices and fMRI time series (each
in its own subfolder).
: Folder containing .tex files that, when compiled with
TikZ/PGFPlots packages, renders the figures in the manuscript.
: Folder containing the resulting entropies; before, after,
and their difference.
: Folder containing all the main functions to handle the
fMRI time series, to generate the density matrices, and to calculate
their entropies.
Contact: h.felippe at
H. Felippe, A. Viol, D. B. de Araujo, M. G. E. da Luz, F. Palhano-Fontes, H. Onias, E. P. Raposo, G. M. Viswanathan. “The von Neumann entropy for the Pearson correlation matrix: A test of the entropic brain hypothesis”