Command line query tool for source servers. Basically a head for goseq. Use it to get source server lists from the Valve's master servers (or a custom, ip-specified one).
- You must have Go Installed (minimum 1.0)
- Make sure your GOPATH is added to your system's PATH (it isn't by default)
- You can find your current GOPATH by running
go env
- Windows:
- Linux/Mac:
- You can find your current GOPATH by running
- Run
go get
to compile & install the binary to your GOPATH
To update Source Query, simply run go get -u
There are two types of queries that can be done with Source Query: Master Server querying and individual Source Server queying.
A sourceq master
command will querying a Source Master Server to obtain a list of servers.
By default, only IPs are returned by the Master server. If only the IP field is requested
(--fields "ip"
) then only a single request to the master server will be dispatched. If
other fields are requested (--fields "ip,name"
) then a single, additional request will be dispatched
for each ip returned by the master server.
You can always use sourceq master -?
for a summary of the command line options.
Use the --json flag to output a JSON encoded array of the retrieved servers to StdOut instead of printing a table of servers. Diagnostic information may still be printed to StdLog.
sourceq master -l20 --json
Use a comma-delimited list of these with the --fields flag.
For text-results, column lengths may optionally be specified to pad values with by appending =X
where X is a number
indicating the minimum field length for that column.
E.g. --fields "ip=21,players,name=0"
will pad the IP
column to 21 characters, use the default padding for the players column, and not pad the name column.
- environment: Environment OS (L inux, W in, M ac/ O s X)
- id: ID of the server.
- steamid: SteamID of the server.
- ip: IP Address of the Server
- bots: Number of Bots
- game: Game being run.
- map: Map currently active (e.g. de_dust2).
- players: Number Players
- spectatorname: Spectator Name
- spectatorport: Spectator Port
- vac: Is the server VAC protected?
- gameid: GameID that the Server is running
- mode: Mode the server is running
- name: Name of Server
- port: Port of the server.
- servertype: Hosting Type (eg dedicated)
- witnesses: # Witnesses for The Ship.
- duration: Will arrest in (The Ship)
- folder: Folder that the game is hosted from.
- keywords: Keywords, registered by the player
- maxplayers: Maximum number of players allowed
- version: Version of the server being run.
- visibility: Is a password required to join?
Use with the -r flag. E.g. -r "USW"
for United States West servers.
- SA: South America
- EU: Europe
- AS: Asia
- AU: Australia
- ME: Middle East
- USE: United States (East)
- USW: United States (West)
- AF: Africa
- OTHER: Rest of World
You may use other filters than the ones listed here. These are the publicly known ones.
Use as -f filtername:value
You may use multiple filters (-f filtername:value -f other:otherval).
- type: Servers running (d)edicated, (l)isten, or (p) SourceTV.
- secure: (1) Servers using anti-cheat technology (VAC, but potentially others as well).
- gamedir: Servers running the specified modification (ex. cstrike)
- map: Servers running the specified map (ex. cs_italy)
- linux: Servers running on a Linux (1) platform
- empty: Servers that are not empty (1)
- full: Servers that are not full (1)
- proxy: Servers that are spectator proxies (1)
- napp: Servers that are NOT running game ([appid])
- noplayers: Servers that are empty (1)
- white: Servers that are whitelisted (1)
- gametype: Servers with all of the given tag(s) in sv_tags (tag1,tag2,...)
- gamedata: Servers with all of the given tag(s) in their 'hidden' tags (L4D2) (tag1,tag2,...)
- gamedataor: Servers with any of the given tag(s) in their 'hidden' tags (L4D2) (tag1,tag2,...)
For only listen servers
sourceq master -f type:l
For only non-empty servers
sourceq master -f empty:1
Servers running Counter Strike currently on map de_dust2
sourceq master -f gamedir:cstrike -f map:de_dust2
General help for querying master servers
sourceq master -?
Get the first 20 servers' IP and Name in U.S. West.
sourceq master --fields "ip,name" -l20 -r"USW" -a
Get non-empty, non-full servers.
sourceq master --fields "ip,maxplayers,players,name" -f empty:1 -f full:1
List the usable filters, regions, and fields that can be used.
sourceq master --list-filters --list-regions --list-fields
Dump a JSON list of servers to the file "servers.json"
sourceq master --fields "ip,name" --json > servers.json