Currently only Fritzboxes with FRITZ!OS v6.50 or newer are supported.
- – Python script for remotely starting a computer behind a Fritzbox using its WOL functionality
- lxml
- requests
All configuration is done in the config file in JSON format:
- host: external fritzbox hostname or ip
- port: ssl port
- username/password: fritzbox login credentials
- devices: list of device names with macs that can be used for wakeup
If the password line is not present in the config file, you will be prompted for the password.
> # sends wakeup to 'default' device
> foo # sends wakeup to device 'foo' in config file
> -k foo # sends wakeup to device 'foo' while ignoring ssl certificate verification
> -c yourconfig.json bar # sends wakup to device 'bar' using config file 'yourconfig.json'
> -h # shows help