An web application to make managing expenses easier. The current design is quite specific for the student organization VTK. However, feel free to fork it or submit a pull request to make it more general!
![Expense Form](
![Admin Overview](
![Login Form](
The purpose of this project is to manage the expenses for VTK. Because of the way our accountant works, we still need to submit them by PDF. However, this tool makes automates this process filling in the expense form based on the input and adding the picture of the bill. It includes a clear overview of all expenses and whether the payer has been reimbursed.
You can sign up using any "" mailing address, to be able to log in you need to have verified this address. This is so no users from outside the organization can submit expenses. Once this is done you can fill in the form and your bill will get sent to the finance team!
To be able to develop this project, you will need an active Supabase instance. A free-tier account is more than enough for development purposes, keep in mind that your project will get paused if there is no interaction with it.
This project relies on Supabase as a database but the Next.js app can be hosted on a service of your preference. Vercel is probably the easiest though.