Simple C++ 20 header only library for reading EPM and DE ephemerides. Current version was tested for all DE ephemerides from DE102 to DE441 and for EPM2021 ephemerides. A description of the algorithms used is available in a publication Practical use of EPM and DE ephemeris. Trudy MAI, 2022, no. 125 (in Russian).
Download ASCII data files for DE or EPM ephemerides:
ASCII data files must have't *.txt or *.bin extensions. If there are, rename them. File extensions must match. For example EPM2021 ephemeris have two files: epm2021_de_ascii.txt and header.21. Just rename epm2021_de_ascii.txt to epm2021_de_ascii.21.
#include "eph.h"
int main() {
/// Set your path to downloaded ASCII data files
std::filesystem::path base = "D:\\Projects\\eph\\ascii";
double x[6] = { 0 };
/// Test EPM ephemeris
eph::ephemeris epm;
/// Import ASCII files from epm2021 folder
epm.import(base / "epm2021");
/// Get ephemeris data for Earth
epm.state(eph::date::jd(2022, 5, 30), eph::targets::earth, x);
for (auto val : x)
std::cout << val << std::endl;
double y[6] = { 0 };
/// Test DE ephemeris
eph::ephemeris de;
/// Import ASCII files from de440t folder
de.import(base / "de440t");
/// Get ephemeris data for Earth
de.state(eph::date::jd(2022, 5, 30), eph::targets::earth, y);
for (auto val : y)
std::cout << val << std::endl;
return 0;
Reading ASCII files may be very slow. You may save data to binary file and use it permanently. Binary file also have smaller size.
#include "eph.h"
int main() {
/// Set your path to downloaded ASCII data files
std::filesystem::path base = "D:\\Projects\\eph\\ascii";
/// Create ephemeris object
eph::ephemeris e;
/// Load from ASCII files and test
e.import_and_test(base / "de440t");
/// Save to binary file / "de440t" / "440t.bin");
/// Load from binary file
e.load(base / "de440t" / "440t.bin");
double state[6] = { 0 };
/// Get ephemeris data for Earth-Moon Barycenter
e.state(eph::date::jd(2022, 5, 30), eph::targets::earth_moon_barycenter, state);
for (auto val : state)
std::cout << val << std::endl;
/// Get ephemeris data using structured binding
auto [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz] = e.state(eph::date::jd(2022, 5, 30), eph::targets::moon);
<< "x = " << x << std::endl
<< "y = " << y << std::endl
<< "z = " << z << std::endl
<< "vx = " << vx << std::endl
<< "vy = " << vy << std::endl
<< "vz = " << vz << std::endl;
return 0;
You can also use the std::chrono dates & time "sugar"
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using namespace std::chrono;
/// Get ephemeris data using std::chrono format of dates & time
auto [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz] = e.state(eph::date::jd(May/30/2022, 5h+10min), eph::targets::moon);