Bencloud is Vencord's API for cloud settings sync rewrite in Typescript!
Here is Vencloud original version.
Your instance has to be HTTPS capable due to mixed content restrictions in web browsers.
First of all, you'll have to clone the source code to a convenient location:
git clone
Copy the example configuration (.env.example
) to .env
. Now open it with your text editor of trust and fill in the configuration values.
All variables are documented there!
Don't forget to direct your terminal to the Bencloud directory, e.g. via cd bencloud
- Create a
that maps the port from docker to your system. The following example assumes you will use port8485
services: backend: ports: - 8485:4000
- Start the docker container via
docker compose up -d
. The server will be available at the configured host, in the above example8485
Alongisde the Bencloud setup, you will also have to setup Redis. This will not be covered here, please refer to the Redis documentation.
Install Bun
Install dependencies:
bun install
Build the code:
bun run build
Start the server:
# Load the .env file export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) bun run ./dist/main.js