Hey there 👋,
Welcome to my GitHub. I'm kind of a rabbit-hole developer. Meaning, I get an idea and get lost in it until I find the solution (rabbit).
You can also find me at my AOEU Repo
At the moment, the most active repo here is going to be kRMM. This is where I'm uploading scripts for remote monitoring and management, and may include scripts for use in mdm solutions or rmm solutions.
Largely static at the moment, though there may be a few improvements yet to come. This was a rabbit-hole project that I wrote because I was looking for a single easy to use source in Linux to find serial numbers etc. I think better options have come along since I originally wrote it, but it still could get an update or two in the future.
Another rabbit-hole project, this time to (as the name implies) parse relevant info from macOS kernel panics. Intended for use in a remote situation. Static repo.
This was basically the thing that got me started with shell scripting, and is the first and largest rabbit-hole project I've ever done. This is a script that wraps around macOS's ditto cli tool and (ahem) "attempts" to provide somewhat real-time feedback. Probably the most interesting parts are the changelog, as I'm no longer certain the script itself is functional. Hasn't been worked on in over a year, and probably won't be touched again.
A few python scripts for working with the Snipe-It api. Relies on jbloomer's excellent SnipeIt Python API.
As a known glutton for self punishment, I also do Airtable bases.