Name | Description | Language | Difficulty | Link |
Fillit | Backtracking algorithm to fit tetriminos in a grid | C | 🔥 | HERE |
Push_swap | Sorting algorithm using two stacks | C | 🔥 | HERE |
COREWAR | C implementation of the Core War Game | C | 🔥🔥🔥 | HERE |
ft_ssl_md5 | Implementation of MD5 and SHA-2 algorithms | C | 🔥🔥 | HERE |
ft_ssl_des | Cryptographics algorithms DES ecb/cbc/cfb | C | 🔥🔥🔥 | HERE |
ft_linear_regression | Machine learning: Linear regression | Go | 🔥 | HERE |
dr-quine | Small project to learn about auto replications | ASM/C/GO | 🔥 | HERE |
Name | Description | Language | Difficulty | Link |
matcha | CSR Dating Website | Go | 🔥🔥 | HERE |
Name | Description | Language | Difficulty | Link |
FDF | Wireframe rasterizer with Bresenham's line algorithm | C | 🔥 | HERE |
Fractol | Psychedelic universe of Fractals with OpenCL | C | 🔥 | HERE |
Name | Description | Language | Difficulty | Link |
Piscine PHP | php, html, css, js, jquery (hosted on another repo) |
<= | 🔥 | HERE |
Piscine CPP | C++ (hosted on another repo) |
<= | 🔥 | HERE |