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A command-line tool for interfacing with Holaplex Hub

hub-cli provides the hub command-line utility for interfacing with Hub from shell scripts or directly from a terminal.

Installation and Setup


To install hub, you'll need a Rust toolchain with Cargo, clang, and a copy of the protoc Protobuf compiler. Additionally on POSIX systems you'll need pkg-config, include files for OpenSSL, and on Linux the include files for liburing.

The recommended way to install Cargo is via rustup.

On Debian-based Linux distributions, the additional dependencies can be installed with APT:

$ sudo apt install clang libssl-dev pkg-config protobuf-compiler liburing-dev

On macOS the additional dependencies can be installed with Homebrew:

$ brew install clang [email protected] pkg-config protobuf
$ brew info [email protected] # follow the instruction to setup your terminal profile

To install hub from Git, simply check out the repo with git clone, and then install it with the --path flag for cargo install:

$ git clone
$ cargo install --path hub-cli

Config locations

By default, hub creates a configuration file named config.toml in a dedicated subdirectory of the current user's configuration directory. All commands will read or write to this file. However, if the current directory in which hub is run contains a file named .hub-config.toml, it will read and write to that file instead. Additionally, the user can override the current config location by passing -C path/to/my-config.toml to any hub command.


For additional help with the command-line interface, you can always run:

$ hub help

This will print info about available commands and global options. For help with a specific command, run:

$ hub help <COMMAND>


The config command allows getting and setting various configuration options of the current config:

$ hub config path # Print the path of the current config
$ hub config graphql-endpoint # Set the API endpoint to use
$ hub config token # Set the API token to use

$ hub config graphql-endpoint --get # Print the current API endpoint

upload drop

This command populates an open drop by reading Metaplex metadata files and associated asset files from a local directory:

$ hub upload drop --drop <DROP_ID> <INPUT_DIR...>

The DROP_ID parameter accepts the UUID of an open drop created with Hub, and INPUT_DIR takes one or more directories containing JSON metadata files. All assets specified using local paths in metadata files will be first uploaded to the web using Hub's permaweb upload endpoint, and their permanent URL will be used in place of a filesystem path. hub searches for asset paths relative to the folder containing the JSON file referencing them; if any assets are in separate folders, each folder can be specified with the -I flag:

$ hub upload drop --drop 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
    -I foo/assets1 \
    -I foo/assets2 \

When include paths are specified, hub first searches the current JSON directory, then searches each include directory in the order they were specified, stopping as soon as it finds a match.


This command airdrops NFTs by minting them from an open drop to specified wallet addresses. This should be run after the mints are queued for the specified open drop.

$ hub airdrop --drop <DROP_ID> <WALLETS>

The DROP_ID parameter accepts the UUID of an open drop created with Hub. The --wallets parameter accepts file containing newline-separated wallet addresses for the airdrop. If a single hyphen - is passed, the utility will read from STDIN.

Optional Parameters:

  • --concurrency <OPTIONS>:

    • Is used to control the level of concurrency. Default value is 4
  • --no-compressed:

    • An optional flag to mint uncompressed NFTs only. Default value is false
  • --mints-per-wallet <NUMBER>:

    • Defines the number of NFTs to mint to each wallet with a default value of 1 if not specified.
$ hub upload drop --drop 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
    --wallets /path/to/wallets.txt
    --concurrency 4 \
    --no-compressed \
    --mints-per-wallet 2

In this example, the airdrop command is invoked with a concurrency level of 4, specifying the open drop UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, opting not to mint them as compressed NFTs, defining 2 mints per wallet, and providing the path to the file wallets.txt containing the target wallet addresses.