Cross-platform Desktop app to run Holochain apps.
macOS | Windows | Linux |
Download (M1 / Apple Silicon) Download (Intel) |
Download | deb (recommended) AppImage (read note below) |
If you are on Ubuntu 24.04, installation with the deb file is highly recommended. Otherwise, follow the instructions here
The latest version stable version uses Holochain v0.3.1. More details can be found on the Release page
Latest Release for Holochain 0.2
(Holochain v0.2.6)
To get started with building holochain apps, you can follow the guide on
- Once installed, open the settings window by clicking the gear icon in the upper right.
- The "Publish" tab is hidden by default. To make it visible, click "System Settings" on the left
- In System Settings, click the button to install developer tools. This will insall devhub, and enable Launcher as a devhub node and enable the "Publish" tab.
- Switch to the "Publish" tab.
- Follow the instructions and click the "Set up your publisher profile" button
- Choose a publisher icon image, enter your name, location, and website then click the "add" button.
- Select an icon image for your App (TODO: add image specs)
- Click "Choose File" and browse to your .webhapp file (TODO: add links and refs for creating .webhapp files)
- Complete the form by editing the name, adding a short description and long description if you want, as well as the version number for your App
- Click "Publish your App"
You will now see your published app settings in the publish tab, and your app will now appear in the Appstore where you can install it! Your app will also be available to others after a short time as it is distributed via DevHub.
TODO: add verified app content and instructions to request verification.
If you want to develop on the launcher codebase itself, here are the instructions:
- Fetch the necessary binaries:
yarn fetch:binaries
- Build the Rust Node-add-ons and install dependencies
yarn setup
Download default apps used in launcher
yarn fetch:default-apps
This guide assumes Nix to be installed. For detailed instructions, visit the Nix installation guide.
With Nix installed you can enter nix shell
nix develop
and run the dev command.
$ yarn dev
To run two independent instances of launcher in parallel you may run
$ yarn dev-2
The following commands build the final distributables for the respsective platforms:
# For windows
$ yarn build:win
# For macOS x64
$ yarn build:mac-x64
# For macOS arm64
$ yarn build:mac-arm64
# For Linux
$ yarn build:linux
Copyright (C) 2019 - 2021, Holochain Foundation
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license provided in the LICENSE file (CAL-1.0). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.