Version 1.15.0
This is a major release with a large number of new features and bug fixes, as well as updates to Python and Panel compatibility.
Many thanks to the numerous users who filed bug reports, tested development versions, and contributed a number of new features and bug fixes, including special thanks to @ablythed @ahuang11 @douglas-raillard-arm @FloLangenfeld @hoxbro @ianthomas23 @jenssss @pepijndevos @peterroelants @stas-sl @Yura52 for their contributions. In addition, thanks to the maintainers @jbednar, @maximlt, @jlstevens and @philippjfr for contributing to this release.
- Python 2 support has finally been dropped with 1.14.9 as the last release supporting Python 2
- HoloViews now requires panel >0.13.1 (#4329)
- Colormaps for the output of the datashade operation have changed to address holoviz/datashader#357; see rescale_discrete_levels below. To revert to the old colorbar behavior, set ColorbarPlot.rescale_discrete_levels = False in the bokeh or mpl plotting modules as appropriate.
- Updated Sankey algorithm means that some users may need to update the node_padding parameter for plots generated with earlier releases.
Major features:
After a long period of hotfix releases for the 1.14.9 series, many new features on the master branch have been released. Features relating to datashader support, linked selection and improvements to the Bokeh plotting backend are called out in their own sections.
- Support constructor interface from a spatialpandas GeometryArray (#5281)
- Allow plotting anonymous pandas.Series (#5015)
- Add support for rendering in pyodide/pyscript (#5338, #5321, #5275)
Datashader features:
The following new features have been added to the datashader support in HoloViews, mainly focused on Datashader's new support for antialiasing lines as well as the new rescale_discrete_levels colormapping option.
- Add automatic categorical legend for datashaded plots (#4806)
- Implement line_width support when rasterizing spatialpandas paths (#5280)
- Expose rescale_discrete_levels in the Bokeh backend (#5312)
- Set rescale_discrete_levels=True by default (#5268)
New linked selection features:
- Implement linked_selection.filter method (#4999)
- Allow passing custom selection_expr to linked selections filter (#5012)
- Fix AdjointLayout in link_selections (#5030)
New features for the Bokeh plotting backend:
- Add legend_labels option to allow overriding legend labels (#5342)
- Updated sankey algorithm to d3-sankey-v0.12.3 (#4707)
Other enhancements:
- Optimize and clean up options system (#4954)
- Optimize lasso selection by applying box-select first (#5061) #5061
- Support ibis-framework version 3 (#5292)
- Add OpenTopoMap as a tile source (#5052)
- Show all histograms of an Overlay (#5031)
Bug fixes:
- Fix batch watching and linking of parameters in Params stream (#4960, #4956)
- Ensure Plot.refresh is dispatched immediately if possible (#5348)
- Fix datashader empty overlay aggregation (#5334)
- Fixed missing handling of nodata for count aggregator with column (#4951)
- Handle pd.NA as missing data in dtype=object column (#5323)
- Forward DynamicMap.hist dimension parameter to histogram creation (#5037)
- Remove numpy pin from examples (#5285)
- Fix vmin/vmax deprecation on matplotlib HeatMapPlot (#5300)
- Don't skip each renderer's load_nb call when multiple extension calls are made in a single cell (#5302)
- Set plotly range correctly for log axis (#5272)
- Sanitize uses of contextlib.contextmanager (#5018)
- Ensure overlay_aggregate is not applied for anti-aliased lines (#5266)
- Switch to using bokeh rangesupdate event for Range streams (#5265)
- Fixes for bokeh Callbacks (#5040)
- Fix for attribute error in matplotlib CompositePlot (#4969)
- Silenced inappropriate deprecation warnings and updated deprecation settings in options system (#5345, #5346)
The following improvements to the documentation have been made:
- Fix when pattern is set (#5330)
- Added release dates to changelog and releases (#5027, #5035)
- Removed unneeded list from dynamic map example (#4953)
- Added FAQ about sharing only a single axis (#5278)
- Miscellaneous fixes to Heatmap reference notebook and Continuous Coordinates user guide (#5262)
- Added example of multiple RGB images as glyphs (#5172)
- Trim trailing whitespaces (#5019)
- Update outdated IOAM references (#4985)
Testing infrastructure:
Many thanks to @maximlt for his work maintaining and fixing the testing infrastructure across too many PRs to list here.