This SwingSet3 release is build with Temurin. It can be used for Java 11+ OpenJDK (Adoptium or Temurin)
The SwingSet3 aka SwingLabs swingx-Project consists of 11 modules and a demos subproject, which is not Maven Nature.
The swingx-all-1.6.7-complete.jar
aggregates the several maven libs (as structured by SwingLabs):
with JXTable, JXList, JXTree, more Containers and Controlsaction
: Action Frameworkautocomplete
: functionality for text components and combo boxesplaf
: Look and Feel Supportgraphics
: Utilities for working with Java2Dpainters
many different painter controls
Check out the source, build your own libs and launch the demo
download the ready to use complete.jar