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Render Mapbox style in CesiumJs. This project is very simple, because the complex rendering task is compeleted by mapbox-gl-js, you should also check Mapbox-vector-tiles-basic-js-renderer for more detail.


npm install --save mvt-imagery-provider
pnpm add mvt-imagery-provider


import * as Cesium from "cesium";
import MVTImageryProvider from 'mvt-imagery-provider';

const cesiumViewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer");

const provider = new MVTImageryProvider({
  style: '',
  accessToken: MAPBOX_TOKEN



class MVTImageryProvider {
   * create a MVTImageryProvider Object
   * @param {MVTImageryProviderOptions} options MVTImageryProvider options as follow:
   * @param {Resource | string | StyleSpecification} - mapbox style object or url Resource.
   * @param {string} options.accessToken - mapbox style accessToken.
   * @param {RequestTransformFunction} options.transformRequest - use transformRequest to modify tile requests.
   * @param {Number} [options.tileSize = 256] - can be 256 or 512. defaults to 256.
   * @param {Number} [options.maximumLevel = 18] - if cesium zoom level exceeds maximumLevel, layer will be invisible, defaults to 18.
   * @param {Number} [options.minimumLevel = 0] - if cesium zoom level belows minimumLevel, layer will be invisible, defaults to 0.
   * @param {Boolean} [options.showCanvas = false] - if show canvas for debug.
   * @param {Boolean} [options.enablePickFeatures = true] - enable pickFeatures or not, defaults to true.
   * @param {Function} options.sourceFilter - sourceFilter is used to filter which source participate in pickFeature process.
   * @param {WebMercatorTilingScheme | GeographicTilingScheme} [options.tilingScheme = WebMercatorTilingScheme] - Cesium tilingScheme, defaults to WebMercatorTilingScheme(EPSG: 3857).
   * @param {Credit} - A credit contains data pertaining to how to display attributions/credits for certain content on the screen.
   * @example
   * const imageryProvider = new MVTImageryProvider({
        style: ''
  constructor(options: MVTImageryProviderOptions);
   * get mapbox style json obj
  get style(): StyleSpecification;
  get isDestroyed(): boolean;
   * Gets an event that will be raised if an error is encountered during processing.
   * @memberof GeoJsonDataSource.prototype
   * @type {Event}
  get errorEvent(): Event<(...args: any[]) => void>;
  requestImage(x: number, y: number, level: number, releaseTile?: boolean): Promise<HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | any> | undefined;
  pickFeatures(x: number, y: number, zoom: number, longitude: number, latitude: number): Promise<ImageryLayerFeatureInfo[]> | undefined;
  destroy(): void;

type MVTImageryProviderOptions = {
  style: string | Resource | StyleSpecification;
  /** accessToken needed if mapbox style not public */
  accessToken?: string;
  /** forceHTTPS defaults false */
   * A `RequestParameters` object to be returned from Map.options.transformRequest callbacks.
   * @return {Object} RequestParameters
   * @property {string} url The URL to be requested.
   * @property {Object} headers The headers to be sent with the request.
   * @property {string} method Request method `'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT'`.
   * @property {string} body Request body.
   * @property {string} type Response body type to be returned `'string' | 'json' | 'arrayBuffer'`.
   * @property {string} credentials `'same-origin'|'include'` Use 'include' to send cookies with cross-origin requests.
   * @property {boolean} collectResourceTiming If true, Resource Timing API information will be collected for these transformed requests and returned in a resourceTiming property of relevant data events.
   * @example
   * // use transformRequest to modify requests that begin with `http://myHost`
   * transformRequest: function(url, resourceType) {
   *  if (resourceType === 'Source' && url.indexOf('http://myHost') > -1) {
   *    return {
   *      url: url.replace('http', 'https'),
   *      headers: { 'my-custom-header': true },
   *      credentials: 'include'  // Include cookies for cross-origin requests
   *    }
   *   }
   *  }
  transformRequest?: RequestTransformFunction;
  showCanvas?: boolean;
  tileSize?: number;
  maximumLevel?: number;
  minimumLevel?: number;
  credit?: string;
  hasAlphaChannel?: boolean;
  sourceFilter?: any;
  tilingScheme?: WebMercatorTilingScheme | GeographicTilingScheme;


Reference to the Mapbox Style Specification, the mapbox-gl version is 0.43.0


online Demo

Launch the app in the demo folder, and then visit http://localhost:8080/

pnpm install
npm start
bguCSe.png macrostrat.png
