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Example ZugferdDocumentBuilder in EN16391 profile

HorstOeko edited this page Jan 8, 2025 · 12 revisions



use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdCountryCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdCurrencyCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdInvoiceType;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdReferenceCodeQualifiers;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdUnitCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdVatCategoryCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdVatTypeCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdDocumentBuilder;
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdProfiles;

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

First we create a new invoice in EN16931-Profile (== COMFORT-Profile)

$documentBuilder = ZugferdDocumentBuilder::createNew(ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EN16931);

General invoice Information

  'R-2024/00001',                                     // Invoice number (BT-1)
  ZugferdInvoiceType::INVOICE,                        // Type "Invoice" (BT-3)
  DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20241231'),      // Invoice fate (BT-2)
  ZugferdCurrencyCodes::EURO                          // Invoice currency is EUR (Euro) (BT-5)

Not mandatory, but welcome are details such as managing director, commercial register entry or similar

$documentBuilder->addDocumentNote('Lieferant GmbH' . PHP_EOL . 'Lieferantenstraße 20' . PHP_EOL . '80333 München' . PHP_EOL . 'Deutschland' . PHP_EOL . 'Geschäftsführer: Hans Muster' . PHP_EOL . 'Handelsregisternummer: H A 123' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, null, 'REG');

Indication of when the period covered by the invoice begins and when it ends. Also referred to as the delivery period

$documentBuilder->setDocumentBillingPeriod(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250101'), DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250131'), '01.01.2025 - 31.01.2025');

Add additional documents supporting the invoice Type code 916 is used without exception for invoice justifying documents First example: Specification of an external resource including the intended primary access method, e.g. http:// or ftp:// Second example: Specification of a local file to be included in the document as a BASE64-encoded attachment

$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoiceSupportingDocumentWithUri('REFDOC-2024/00001-1', 'http.//some.url', 'Inhaltsstoffe Joghurt');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoiceSupportingDocumentWithFile('REFDOC-2024/00001-2', __DIR__ . '/assets/00_AdditionalDocument.csv', 'Herkunftsnachweis Trennblätter');

Add details to the tender or lot reference. In some countries, a reference to the tender that led to the contract must be provided. Type code 50 is used exclusively for the specification of the tender or lot reference

$documentBuilder->addDocumentTenderOrLotReferenceDocument('LOS 738625');

Add details of the calculated object. Only the type code 130 is used to transmit an object identifier. Depending on the application, an object identifier can be a subscription number, a telephone number, a meter reading, a vehicle, a person, etc. Note: Additional documents of type code 130 may only be specified once.

$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoicedObjectReferenceDocument('125', ZugferdReferenceCodeQualifiers::SALE_PERS_NUMB); // Sales person number

Adding details to the associated contract The contract reference should be assigned once in the context of the specific trading relationship and for a defined period of time.


Adding a detail to a project reference Enter the identifier of the project to which the invoice refers and the name of the project.

$documentBuilder->setDocumentProcuringProject('PROJ-2025-001-1', 'Allgemeine Dienstleistungen');

We should also define how payments are handled. In our case we want to use a SEPA direct debit. We book from the IBAN DE12500105170648489890. We also provide a Creditor-Reference We also need a creditor reference as the second parameter which is required for direct debit

$documentBuilder->addDocumentPaymentMeanToDirectDebit('DE12500105170648489890', 'R-2024/00001');

We should also define the payment terms as a textual information The first parameter defines the textual description of our payment terms. The second parameter defines the due date of the invoice. As you have chosen a direct debit procedure, this is the date of the direct debit. The third parameter defines the mandant reference which is required for direct debit

$documentBuilder->addDocumentPaymentTerm('Wird von Konto DE12500105170648489890 abgebucht', DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250131'), 'MANDATE-2024/000001');

An indispensable part of an invoice is the indication of the seller (supplier). Let's do that now.

$documentBuilder->setDocumentSeller('Lieferant GmbH', '549910');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentSellerGlobalId('4000001123452', '0088');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerAddress('Lieferantenstraße 20', '', '', '80333', 'München', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerContact('H. Müller', 'Verkauf', '+49-111-2222222', '+49-111-3333333', '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerCommunication(ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme::UNECE3155_EM, '[email protected]');

The buyer (customer) details are also an important part of the invoice.

$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyer('Kunden AG Mitte', 'GE2020211');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerAddress('Kundenstraße 15', '', '', '69876', 'Frankfurt', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerContact('H. Meier', 'Einkauf', '+49-333-4444444', '+49-333-5555555', '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerCommunication(ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme::UNECE3155_EM, '[email protected]');

You can specify a different payee. It is possible to enter a postal address and a contact, but some validators issue a warning.

$documentBuilder->setDocumentPayee('Kunden AG Zahlungsdienstleistung');

Sometimes it happens that you want to refer to an order (order number) transmitted by the buyer (customer) when issuing the invoice. We enter the buyer (customer) order number here:


Sometimes the seller (supplier) wants to provide his buyer (customer) a reference to the internal sales order number


It is also possible to specify a different delivery point in the invoice It is possible to specify a contact at the different delivery point, but some validators issue a warning

$documentBuilder->setDocumentShipTo('Kunden AG Ost');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentShipToAddress('Lieferstraße 1', '', '', '04109', 'Leipzig', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);

A delivery date can also be specified within the invoice

$documentBuilder->setDocumentSupplyChainEvent(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250115'));

It is now time to add our first invoice line. This is defined as follows

  • The product name is "Trennblätter A4" and has a seller (supplier) assigned item number "TB100A4" (setDocumentPositionProductDetails)
  • The unit price is 9.90 EUR (setDocumentPositionNetPrice)
  • The quantity is 20 pieces (setDocumentPositionQuantity)
  • The VAT is calculated with 19% (addDocumentPositionTax)
  • The line amount is 20 * 9.90 EUR = 198.00 EUR (setDocumentPositionLineSummation)
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Trennblätter A4', '50er Pack', 'TB100A4');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(20, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 19);

We now add a second invoice line.

  • The product name is "Joghurt Banane" and has a seller (supplier) assigned item number "ARNR2" (setDocumentPositionProductDetails)
  • The unit price is 5.50 EUR (setDocumentPositionNetPrice)
  • The quantity is 50 pieces (setDocumentPositionQuantity)
  • The VAT is calculated with 7% (addDocumentPositionTax)
  • The line amount is 50 * 5.50 EUR = 275.00 EUR (setDocumentPositionLineSummation)
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Joghurt Banane', 'B-Ware', 'ARNR2');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(50, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 7);

Last but not least, we add a third and final invoice line. This should essentially also serve to clarify the VAT calculation in the following

  • The product name is "Joghurt Erdbeer" and has a seller (supplier) assigned item number "ARNR3" (setDocumentPositionProductDetails)
  • The unit price is 4.00 EUR (setDocumentPositionNetPrice)
  • The quantity is 100 pieces (setDocumentPositionQuantity)
  • The VAT is calculated with 7% (addDocumentPositionTax)
  • The line amount is 100 * 4.00 EUR = 400.00 EUR (setDocumentPositionLineSummation)
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Joghurt Erdbeer', '', 'ARNR3');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(100, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 7);

Now we need to generate the VAT breakdown. This is an essential part of the invoice. You have to group the VAT base amounts by VAT-Category ("S"), VAT-Type ("VAT") and VAT-Percent (19%, 7%) The calculation is as follows:

  • The first VAT summation comes at least from invoice line 1 - 19% VAT from 198.00 EUR (Net-Amount) = 37.62
  • The second VAT summation comes at least from invoice line 2 & 3 - 7% VAT from 275.00 EUR + 400.00 EUR = 675.00 EUR (Net-Amount) = 47.25
$documentBuilder->addDocumentTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 198.0, 37.62, 19.0);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 675.0, 47.25, 7.0);

Finally, there is an equally important part of the invoice - the totals.

  1. Grand total amount = 198.00 EUR + 37.62 EUR (VAT) + 675.00 EUR + 47.25 EUR (VAT) = 957.87
  2. Amount to pay = We assume that there was no pre-payment and set the amount to be paid equal to the grand total amount
  3. Net total amount = 198.EUR (Position 1) + 675.00 EUR (Position 2 & 3) = 873.00 EUR
  4. Charge total amount = 0.00 EUR since we don't have any charges in the invoice
  5. Discount total amount = 0.00 EUR since we don't have any discounts in the invoice
  6. VAT basis total amount = As a rule, this amount corresponds to 3.
  7. VAT total amount = 19 % from 198.00 EUR = 37.62 EUR + 7% from 675.00 EUR = 47.28 EUR is 84.87 EUR
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSummation(957.87, 957.87, 873.00, 0.0, 0.0, 873.00, 84.87);

We can now generate the invoice as a file...

$documentBuilder->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/factur-x.xml');

... or have the generated XML returned as a string

$someStringVariable = $documentBuilder->getContent();

The complete code

use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdCountryCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdCurrencyCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdInvoiceType;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdReferenceCodeQualifiers;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdUnitCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdVatCategoryCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\codelists\ZugferdVatTypeCodes;
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdDocumentBuilder;
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdProfiles;

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$documentBuilder = ZugferdDocumentBuilder::createNew(ZugferdProfiles::PROFILE_EN16931);

  'R-2024/00001',                                     // Invoice number (BT-1)
  ZugferdInvoiceType::INVOICE,                        // Type "Invoice" (BT-3)
  DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20241231'),      // Invoice fate (BT-2)
  ZugferdCurrencyCodes::EURO                          // Invoice currency is EUR (Euro) (BT-5)

$documentBuilder->addDocumentNote('Lieferant GmbH' . PHP_EOL . 'Lieferantenstraße 20' . PHP_EOL . '80333 München' . PHP_EOL . 'Deutschland' . PHP_EOL . 'Geschäftsführer: Hans Muster' . PHP_EOL . 'Handelsregisternummer: H A 123' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, null, 'REG');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBillingPeriod(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250101'), DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250131'), '01.01.2025 - 31.01.2025');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoiceSupportingDocumentWithUri('REFDOC-2024/00001-1', 'http.//some.url', 'Inhaltsstoffe Joghurt');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoiceSupportingDocumentWithFile('REFDOC-2024/00001-2', __DIR__ . '/assets/00_AdditionalDocument.csv', 'Herkunftsnachweis Trennblätter');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentTenderOrLotReferenceDocument('LOS 738625');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentInvoicedObjectReferenceDocument('125', ZugferdReferenceCodeQualifiers::SALE_PERS_NUMB); // Sales person number
$documentBuilder->setDocumentProcuringProject('PROJ-2025-001-1', 'Allgemeine Dienstleistungen');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPaymentMeanToDirectDebit('DE12500105170648489890', 'R-2024/00001');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPaymentTerm('Wird von Konto DE12500105170648489890 abgebucht', DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250131'), 'MANDATE-2024/000001');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSeller('Lieferant GmbH', '549910');
$documentBuilder->addDocumentSellerGlobalId('4000001123452', '0088');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerAddress('Lieferantenstraße 20', '', '', '80333', 'München', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerContact('H. Müller', 'Verkauf', '+49-111-2222222', '+49-111-3333333', '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSellerCommunication(ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme::UNECE3155_EM, '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyer('Kunden AG Mitte', 'GE2020211');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerAddress('Kundenstraße 15', '', '', '69876', 'Frankfurt', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerContact('H. Meier', 'Einkauf', '+49-333-4444444', '+49-333-5555555', '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentBuyerCommunication(ZugferdElectronicAddressScheme::UNECE3155_EM, '[email protected]');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPayee('Kunden AG Zahlungsdienstleistung');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentShipTo('Kunden AG Ost');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentShipToAddress('Lieferstraße 1', '', '', '04109', 'Leipzig', ZugferdCountryCodes::GERMANY);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSupplyChainEvent(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20250115'));
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Trennblätter A4', '50er Pack', 'TB100A4');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(20, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 19);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Joghurt Banane', 'B-Ware', 'ARNR2');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(50, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 7);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionProductDetails('Joghurt Erdbeer', '', 'ARNR3');
$documentBuilder->setDocumentPositionQuantity(100, ZugferdUnitCodes::REC20_PIECE);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentPositionTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 7);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 198.0, 37.62, 19.0);
$documentBuilder->addDocumentTax(ZugferdVatCategoryCodes::STAN_RATE, ZugferdVatTypeCodes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX, 675.0, 47.25, 7.0);
$documentBuilder->setDocumentSummation(957.87, 957.87, 873.00, 0.0, 0.0, 873.00, 84.87);
$documentBuilder->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/factur-x.xml');
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