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Merge pull request #623 from sheriallis/redesign
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Update Dutch translations
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hovancik authored Jul 4, 2020
2 parents 692eead + 930fbde commit 8d48a17
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 120 deletions.
240 changes: 120 additions & 120 deletions app/locales/nl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"main": {
"toolTipHeader": "Stretchly - Pauze herinnering app",
"microbreakIn": "Mini Break in $t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} })",
"breakIn": "Long Break in $t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} })",
"microbreakIn": "Mini Pauze in $t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} })",
"breakIn": "Lange Pauze in $t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} })",
"resumingBreaks": "Pauzes hervatten",
"downloadLatestVersion": "Download de laatste versie",
"toBreak": "Long Break",
"toMicrobreak": "Mini Break",
"toBreak": "Lange Pauze",
"toMicrobreak": "Mini Pauze",
"skipToTheNext": "Ga naar de volgende",
"resume": "Hervat",
"pause": "Pauze",
Expand All @@ -18,169 +18,169 @@
"resetBreaks": "Reset pauzes",
"quitStretchly": "Stop Stretchly",
"restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
"warning": "This will restore app defaults and all your settings will be lost.",
"continue": "Continue",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"warning": "Dit zal the standaardinstellingen herstellen en all je instellingen zullen verloren gaan",
"continue": "Doorgaan",
"cancel": "Annuleer",
"preferences": "Instellingen"
"break": {
"postpone": "Postpone this break",
"skip": "Skip this break",
"postpone": "Deze pauze uitstellen",
"skip": "Deze pauze overslaan",
"title": "Tijd voor een pauze!"
"preferences": {
"title": "Stretchly Preferences",
"title": "Stretchly Instellingen",
"nav": {
"settings": "Settings",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"schedule": "Schema",
"theme": "Theme",
"about": "About",
"about": "Over",
"heart": "Love Stretchly"
"settings": {
"openAtLogin": "Start Stretchly automatically when loggin in",
"showBreaksIn": "Shows breaks in:",
"window": "Window",
"fullscreen": "Full screen",
"showIdeas": "Show exercise tips during breaks",
"allScreens": "Shows breaks on all monitors",
"monitorIdleTime": "Monitor system idle time (countdown is paused if system is idle)",
"monitorDnd": "Show breaks even in Do Not Disturb mode",
"language": "Select langauge:",
"restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults"
"openAtLogin": "Start Stretchly automatisch tijdens het inloggen",
"showBreaksIn": "Toon pauzes in:",
"window": "Venster",
"fullscreen": "Volledig Scherm",
"showIdeas": "Toon oefening tips tijdens de pauzes",
"allScreens": "Toon pauzes op alle monitoren",
"monitorIdleTime": "Controleer inactieve tijd van het systeem (aftellen word gepauzeerd als het systeem inactief is)",
"monitorDnd": "Toon pauzes in Niet Storen modus",
"language": "Selecteer taal:",
"restoreDefaults": "Standaardinstellingen herstellen"
"schedule": {
"miniBreaks": "Mini Breaks:",
"miniBreaksInfo": "Mini Breaks are short breaks taken regularly to give you a chance to stretch and relax.",
"miniBreaks": "Mini Pauzes:",
"miniBreaksInfo": "Mini pauzes zijn korte pauzes die regelmatig genomen worden om je de kans te geven om uit te rekken en te ontspannen.",
"enableMiniBreaks": "Enable Mini Breaks",
"breakFor": "Break for:",
"every": "Every:",
"showNotificationBeforeMiniBreak": "Show notification before Mini Break starts",
"enablePostponeMini": "Enable Postponement for Mini Break",
"longBreaks": "Long Breaks:",
"longBreaksInfo": "Long Breaks are taken less regularly, but are of greater duration, allowing you to take an extended break from your work.",
"enableLongBreaks": "Enable Long Breaks",
"showNotificationBeforeLongBreak": "Show notification before Long Break starts",
"enablePostponeLong": "Enable Postponement for Long Break",
"strictMode": "Strict Mode:",
"strictModeInfo": "Strict Mode prevents you from skipping either Mini Breaks or Long Breaks and is designed to help discipline.",
"enableStrictMini": "Enable Strict Mode for Mini Breaks",
"enableStrictLong": "Enable Strict Mode for Long Breaks",
"cantDisableBoth": "It is not possible to disable both types of breaks"
"breakFor": "Pauze voor:",
"every": "Elke:",
"showNotificationBeforeMiniBreak": "Toon notificaties voordat een Mini Pauze begint",
"enablePostponeMini": "Uitstellen van Mini Pauzes inschakelen",
"longBreaks": "Lange Pauzes:",
"longBreaksInfo": "Lange Pauzes worden minder regelmatig genomen, maar zijn van een langere duratie, waardoor je de mogelijkheid hebt om een verlende pauze van je werk te nemen.",
"enableLongBreaks": "Lange Pauzes inschakelen",
"showNotificationBeforeLongBreak": "Toon notificatie voordat een Lange Pauze begint",
"enablePostponeLong": "Uitstellen van Lange Pauzes inschakelen",
"strictMode": "Strenge Modus:",
"strictModeInfo": "Strenge Modus voorkomt dat je de Mini Pauzes en Lange Pauzes kunt overslaan en is ontworpen om te helpen met discipline.",
"enableStrictMini": "Strenge Modus inschakelen voor Mini Pauzes",
"enableStrictLong": "Strenge Modus inschakelen voor Lange Pauzes",
"cantDisableBoth": "Het is niet mogelijk om allebei de pauze soorten uit te schakelen"
"theme": {
"appearance": "Appearance:",
"appearance": "Uiterlijk:",
"greenClouds": "Groen wolken",
"autumnBeBlessed": "Herfst gezegend",
"graphiteCrystal": "Grafiet kristal",
"coffeeKisses": "Koffie zoenen",
"morningSwim": "Ochtend zwemmen",
"sounds": "Sounds:",
"enableSounds": "Enable sounds",
"sounds": "Geluiden:",
"enableSounds": "Geluiden inschakelen",
"crystalGlass": "Kristalglas",
"windChime": "Windgong",
"ticToc": "Tic tac",
"menubarIcon": "Menubar icon:",
"colour": "Colour",
"monochrome": "Monochrome",
"invertedMonochrome": "Inverted Monochrome"
"ticToc": "Tic toc",
"menubarIcon": "Menubalk icoon:",
"colour": "Kleur",
"monochrome": "Monochroom",
"invertedMonochrome": "Omgekeerd Monochroom"
"about": {
"tagline": "Pauze herinnering app",
"version": "Version ",
"latestVersion": "Latest version ",
"notifyNewVersion":"Automatically notify on app updates",
"learnMore": "To learn more about Stretchly features, view a tutorial, download the latest version or contact us for support, ",
"ourWebsite": "visit our website",
"version": "Versie ",
"latestVersion": "Laatste versie ",
"notifyNewVersion": "Automatisch informeren wanneer er een app update beschikbaar is",
"learnMore": "Om meer te leren over de mogelijkheden van Stretchly, een tutorial te bekijken, de nieuwste versie te downloaden of om contact met ons op te nemen, ",
"ourWebsite": "bezoek onze website",
"dot": ".",
"developedBy": "Developed by",
"developedBy": "Ontwikkeld door",
"janH": "Jan Hovancik"
"heart": {
"loveStretchly": "Love your Stretchly?",
"desc1": "Taking regular breaks when using a computer is scientifically proven to be important for your physical and mental well-being.",
"desc2": "Stretchly is free. But you can lend your support by donating and help us continue to improve Stretchly and release other free software.",
"becomePatron": "Become a Patron",
"alreadyContributor": "I'm already a contributor",
"authenticateUsing": "Authenticate using:",
"contributorPreferences": "Contributor Preferences"
"loveStretchly": "Hou je van Stretchly?",
"desc1": "Het is wetenschappelijk bewezen dat regelmatig pauzes nemen tijdens het gebruik van een computer belangrijk is voor je fysieke en mentale welzijn. ",
"desc2": "Stretchly is gratis. Maar je kan ons ondersteunen door te doneren en ons daarmee te helpen om Stretchly te verbeteren en andere gratis software uit te brengen.",
"becomePatron": "Word een Patron",
"alreadyContributor": "Ik ben al een bijdrager",
"authenticateUsing": "Authenticeren met:",
"contributorPreferences": "Bijdrager Instellingen"
"contributorPreferences": {
"title": "Contributor Preferences",
"notifications": "Break notifications:",
"notificationsInfo": "System notification shown before breaks to let you prepare for it.",
"beforeLongBreak": "Long Break:",
"beforeMiniBreak": "Mini Break:",
"newVersion": "New version:",
"newVersionNotification": "Notify when new version is available",
"customIdeas": "Custom ideas:",
"customIdeasInfo": "Allows you to use custom break ideas by editing configuration file. (For advanced users.)",
"useIdeasFromSettings": "Use break ideas from configuration file",
"breakPostpone": "Postponement of breaks:",
"breakPostponeInfo": "If enabled in main Preferences, you can postpone breaks. Following settings allow you to specify when, for how long and how many times you can postpone a break.",
"miniBreaks": "Mini Breaks:",
"postponableFor": "Postponable for:",
"postponeFor": "Postpone for:",
"maxPostpones": "Max of postpones:",
"longBreaks": "Long Breaks:",
"pauseUntilMoring": "Pause until morning:",
"pauseUntil": "Pause until:",
"pauseUntilMorningInfo": "Specify till what hour 'Pause until morning' should pause.",
"welcomeWindow": "Welcome window:",
"showWelcomeWindow": "Show Welcome window on next start",
"sounds": "Sounds:",
"title": "Bijdrage Instellingen",
"notifications": "Pauze notificaties:",
"notificationsInfo": "Systeem notificatie die word vertoond voor de pauzes zodat je jezelf kan voorbereiden.",
"beforeLongBreak": "Lange Pauze:",
"beforeMiniBreak": "Mini Pauze:",
"newVersion": "Nieuwe versie:",
"newVersionNotification": "Notificeer mij wanneer er een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is",
"customIdeas": "Aangepaste ideeën:",
"customIdeasInfo": "Geeft je de mogelijkheid om aangepaste pauze ideeën te gebruiken door een configuratie bestand te bewerken (Voor gevorderde gebruikers.)",
"useIdeasFromSettings": "Gebruik pauze ideeën van een configuratie bestand",
"breakPostpone": "Uitstellen van pauzes:",
"breakPostponeInfo": "Als het ingeschakeld is in de hoofd instellingen, kan je de pauzes uitstellen. De volgende instellingen geven je de mogelijkheid om te specificeren wanneer, voor hoe lang en voor hoeveel keren je een pauze kan uitstellen.",
"miniBreaks": "Mini Pauzes:",
"postponableFor": "Uitstelbaar voor:",
"postponeFor": "Uitstellen voor:",
"maxPostpones": "Maximaal aantal uitstellingen:",
"longBreaks": "Lange Pauze:",
"pauseUntilMoring": "Pauze tot ochtend:",
"pauseUntil": "Pauze tot:",
"pauseUntilMorningInfo": "Specifeer tot welk uur 'Pauze tot ochtend' zou moeten pauzeren.",
"welcomeWindow": "Welkom venster:",
"showWelcomeWindow": "Toon Welkom venster op volgende start",
"sounds": "Geluiden:",
"volume": "Volume:",
"miniBreakStartSound": "Play end-of-break sound also at the start of Mini break",
"longBreakStartSound": "Play end-of-break sound also at the start of Long break",
"naturalBreaks": "Natural breaks:",
"naturalBreaksInfo": "If monitoring of idle time is enabled in main Preferences, you can specify after what time the countdown should be paused.",
"pauseAfter": "Pause after:",
"appearance": "Appearance:",
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"system": "System"
"miniBreakStartSound": "Speel einde-van-pauze geluid ook bij het begin van een Mini Pauze",
"longBreakStartSound": "Speel einde-van-pauze geluid ook bij het begin van een Lange Pauze",
"naturalBreaks": "Natuurlijke pauzes:",
"naturalBreaksInfo": "Als het monitoren van inactieve tijd is ingeschakeld in de hoofd instellingen, kan je specificeren na hoeveel tijd het aftellen gepauzeerd zou moet worden.",
"pauseAfter": "Pause na:",
"appearance": "Uiterlijk:",
"light": "Licht",
"dark": "Donker",
"system": "Systeem"
"utils": {
"none": "{{count}}",
"none_plural": "{{count}}",
"percent": "{{count}} percent",
"percent_plural": "{{count}} percent",
"oclock": "{{count}} o'clock",
"oclock_plural": "{{count}} o'clock",
"seconds": "{{count}} second",
"seconds_plural": "{{count}} seconds",
"minutes": "{{count}} minute",
"minutes_plural": "{{count}} minutes",
"hours": "{{count}} hour",
"hours_plural": "{{count}} hours",
"secondsRemaining": "$t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} }) remaining",
"aboutMinutesRemaining": "About $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} }) remaining",
"aboutHoursRemaining": "About $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) remaining",
"aboutHoursMinutesRemaining": "About $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} }) remaining",
"percent": "{{count}} procent",
"percent_plural": "{{count}} procent",
"oclock": "{{count}} uur",
"oclock_plural": "{{count}} uur",
"seconds": "{{count}} seconde",
"seconds_plural": "{{count}} secondes",
"minutes": "{{count}} minuut",
"minutes_plural": "{{count}} minuten",
"hours": "{{count}} uur",
"hours_plural": "{{count}} uren",
"secondsRemaining": "$t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} }) resterend",
"aboutMinutesRemaining": "Ongeveer $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} }) resterend",
"aboutHoursRemaining": "Ongeveer $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) resterend",
"aboutHoursMinutesRemaining": "Ongeveer $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} }) resterend",
"inSeconds": "in $t(utils.seconds, {'count': {{seconds}} })",
"inAboutMinutes": "in about $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} })",
"inAboutHours": "in about $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} })",
"inAboutHoursMinutes": "in about $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} })"
"inAboutMinutes": "in ongeveer $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} })",
"inAboutHours": "in ongeveer $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} })",
"inAboutHoursMinutes": "in ongeveer $t(utils.hours, {'count': {{hours}} }) $t(utils.minutes, {'count': {{minutes}} })"
"process": {
"newVersionAvailable": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar!"
"welcome": {
"title": "Welkom bij Stretchly",
"breakTimeReminderApp": "Pauze herinnering app",
"viewTutorial": "View Tutorial",
"openPreferences": "Open Preferences",
"getStarted": "Get Started"
"viewTutorial": "Bekijk Tutorial",
"openPreferences": "Open Instellingen",
"getStarted": "Begin"
"statusMessages": {
"paused": "Paused",
"indefinitely": "Indefinitely",
"dndMode": "Do Not Disturb is on",
"nextLongBreak": "Next Long Break",
"nextMiniBreak": "Next Mini Break",
"afterMiniBreak": "after {{count}} Mini Break",
"afterMiniBreak_plural": "after {{count}} Mini Breaks",
"resuming": "Resuming"
"paused": "Gepauzeerd",
"indefinitely": "Voor onbepaalde tijd",
"dndMode": "Niet Storen is ingeschakeld",
"nextLongBreak": "Volgende Lange Pauze",
"nextMiniBreak": "Volgende Mini Pauze",
"afterMiniBreak": "na {{count}} Mini Pauze",
"afterMiniBreak_plural": "na {{count}} Mini Pauzes",
"resuming": "Hervatten"

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