Zoetrope provides a clean API for defining basic javascript animations using requestAnimationFrame. It should be very familiar if you have ever used jQuery.animate()
progress events. But Zeotrope is dependency free, has a small file size (less than 2KB gzipped) and is much more performant.
It doesn't come with any animations out of the box, it's just a tiny helper so you can say:
Do x every frame for x seconds with x easing
If you are looking for a full animation framework i recommend Anime.js or GSAP
If requestAnimationFrame
isn't available, Zoetrope will polyfill rAF using setTimeout(). Using the implimentation by Paul Irish
![]() IE / Edge |
![]() Firefox |
![]() Chrome |
![]() Safari |
IE9+ | β | β | β |
$ npm install zoetrope --save
$ yarn add zoetrope
import Zoetrope from 'zoetrope'
// Animating DOM elements, but this could easily be a canvas animation.
let $container = document.querySelector('.animation')
let $leftCircle = document.querySelector('.circle--left')
let $rightCircle = document.querySelector('.circle--right')
// Lots of nice easings can be found in this thread: https://gist.github.com/gre/1650294
let easeInOutCubic = t => { return t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1 }
// Define what our animation should do each tick, all we need is the current progress.
let spin = progress => {
// translation
let percentage = progress * 300
// rotation
let rotation = 360 * progress
$leftCircle.style.transform = `translateX(${percentage}%) rotate(${rotation}deg)`
$rightCircle.style.transform = `translateX(-${percentage}%) rotate(${rotation}deg)`
$container.style.transform = `translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(${rotation}deg)`
// Define our animation.
let animation = new Zoetrope({
duration: 3500,
onTick: spin,
onStart: () => {
easing: easeInOutCubic
// Add extra event listeners.
animation.on('complete', () => {
// Start the animation looping, with a 500ms delay inbetween each loop
import Zoetrope from 'zoetrope'
let anim = new Zoetrope()
Start the animation
Start the animation in reverse
Pause the animation but keep the RAF running so it can be resumed.
Resume the animation if it was paused, otherwise it does nothing.
Stop the animation, cannot be resumed as it destroys the current instance of RAF.
Loop the animation forwards then backwards with an optional delay inbetween.
// Play the animation forwards, wait 200ms then play it backwards and repeat forever.
Set the duration of the animation in ms.
// On creation
anim = new Zoetrope({
duration: 5000
// Or later
Set a function to determine easing for the animation, if this is not called the animation will just use easeOutQuint easing.
// Define your own, only accepts one value of current time
// More available here: https://gist.github.com/gre/1650294
let easeInCubic = t => { return t*t*t }
// On creation
anim = new Zoetrope({
easing: easeInCubic
// Or later
Log a shallow copy of the current state
let anim = new Zoetrope({
duration: 300
anim.debug() // logs: {duration: 300, easing: easeOutQuart, ...}
.debug() // logs: {duration: 2000, easing: easeOutQuart, ...}
Fired on the first frame of the animation
Fired on each RAF update of the animation.
Returns: progress - Eased value between 0 - 1
Fired when the animation has finished running.
Zoetrope is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.