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Geoffrey Paulsen edited this page Jan 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Open MPI Weekly Telcon

  • Dialup Info: (Do not post to public mailing list or public wiki)


  • Geoff Paulsen (IBM)
  • Ralph Castain (Intel)
  • Howard
  • Brian Barrett
  • Todd Kordenbrock
  • Jeff Squyres (Cisco)
  • Joshua Hursey
  • David Bernholdt (ORNL)
  • Geoffroy Vallee (ORNL)
  • Artem (Mellanox)
  • Mohan
  • Nathan Hjelm
  • Thomas Naughton


Review v2.0.x Milestones v2.0.4

  • Going to switch v2.0.x to only Critical fixes only!
    • Only Critical fix we know of now is MAdvise fix.
  • Ask people to move to v2.1.x or v3.0.0

Review v2.x Milestones v2.1.2

  • v2.1.2
    • Issue 1666 - Nathan might get involved with. OSC_RDMA (fix is trickier)
      • Hard for OSC_RDMA since can't touch the padding
      • Changing milestone to future.
    • Allinia still seeing intermittent issues in v2.1.2 release candidate Issue 3660
      • Allinia was

Review v3.0.x Milestones v3.0

  • MTT tests looked good on RC put out last week.
  • Any launch blocking issues
  • Didn't get an RC out.
  • Any objection to releasing v3.0.0 RC5 as v3.0.0! AGREED! SHIP
  • Wait a few days, and then create a v3.0.1

Review v3.1.x Milestones v3.1](

  • Plan to branch from Master Spetember 19.
  • gives us 6 weeks to stabilize and release before supercomputing.

Review Master Master Pull Requests

  • Absoft v32bit - very old version of gcc 4.1.

MTT / Jenkins Testing

  • Cisco is doing a lot of testing, and even more failures on master.
  • NFS path testing - Annoying check in opal, and associated test.
    • Problem was too many buffers to
  • Brian is going to add -m32 builds to our test suite.
    • But not actually IA32 hardware, but close enough.
  • Brian tried some new ways of building the tarball, but it failed... so dealyed until Thanksgiving.
  • Root filesystem on webserver failed, because jenkins failed.
    • Jenkins reachout plugin is terrible, so having the clients reach out to the server is more stable.
    • Brain

This week Discussion Points.

  • Schedule for NEXT v3.1 release (Branch and Ship)
    • Would like to have all features into master before we branch for v3.1
    • Ralph is working on tool connection.
    • No whitelist for v3.1. v3.0.0 was transition, and no more whitelists.
  • Ralph proposed to have a bot that could scan issues, and close issues if no action in some time.
    • A bit of concern about auto-closing (losing visibility of legitimate issues)
    • Ticket shaming seems to work.
  • Brian wrote a histogram for reporting the number of compiler warnings found in make dist_check:

Next face-to-face meeting

  • Jan / Feb
  • Possible locations: San Jose, Portland, Albuquerque, Dallas

Status Updates:

Status Update Rotation

  1. Mellanox, Sandia, Intel
  2. LANL, Houston, IBM, Fujitsu
  3. Amazon,
  4. Cisco, ORNL, UTK, NVIDIA

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