This is a generic HTML minifier NOT using regular expressions. This minifier is fully HTML5 compatible.
The name is coming from the Harry Potter books and is an incantation that forces objects to shrink
This project was started because of the lack of a maintained HTML minifier not using complex regexp. This project uses beautifulsoup to navigate the HTML flow.
$ pip install python-diminuendo
>>> from diminuendo import htmlmin
>>> html = """<html>
<title>Hello World!</title>
<p>Good morning</p>
>>> minified = htmlmin(html)
>>> print minified
'<html><head><title>Hello World!</title></head><body><p>Good morning</p></body></html>'
To add a minification test, simply add the html code as
and its minified version as
in test/html
Test the package:
$ python -m unittest discover
Automatic testing in various environments:
$ tox
Use bumpr to release the package:
$ bumpr -b -m
$ python sdist bdist_wheel upload
python-diminuendo is published under a BSD 3-clause license, see the LICENSE file distributed with the project.