RBE549: Computer Vision - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2024
The project is divided into two phases. The first phase is to implement a probabilistic boundary detection algorithm. The second phase is to implement and improve the performance of the convolutional backbones using different techniques. Details of the project can be found here.
Phase 1 of the project involves the creation of various filter banks and their application to images for texture, brightness, and color analysis. The primary goal is to generate different maps and gradients that will be used to create a probabilistic boundary detection algorithm.
To run the PBLite boundary detection, use the following command:
python Wrapper.py
Wrappery.py reads input images from "BSDS500" folder and all the ouptuts are stored in the "Outputs" folder.
Original Image:
Following are the outputs generated by the code:
Image Maps:
Texton Map | Brightness Map | Color Map |
Image Gradients:
Texton Gradient | Brightness Gradient | Color Gradient |
Boundary Detection:
Canny Baseline | Sobel Baseline | PBLite |
Phase 2 of the project involves the implementation of different convolutional backbones and their performance comparison. The primary goal is to implement and improve the performance of the convolutional backbones.
Train the model
python Train.py --NumEpochs <NUMBER_OF_EPOCHS> --MiniBatchSize <BATCH_SIZE> --ModelType <MODEL_TYPE> --CustomLogs <PATH_TO_CUSTOMLOGS>
usage: Train.py [-h] [--CheckPointPath CHECKPOINTPATH] [--NumEpochs NUMEPOCHS] [--DivTrain DIVTRAIN] [--MiniBatchSize MINIBATCHSIZE] [--LoadCheckPoint LOADCHECKPOINT] [--LogsPath LOGSPATH] [--ModelType MODELTYPE] [--CustomLogs CUSTOMLOGS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to save Checkpoints, Default: ../Checkpoints/
Number of Epochs to Train for, Default:50
--DivTrain DIVTRAIN Factor to reduce Train data by per epoch, Default:1
Size of the MiniBatch to use, Default:1
Load Model from latest Checkpoint from CheckPointsPath?, Default:0
--LogsPath LOGSPATH Path to save Logs for Tensorboard, Default=Logs/
Model to use for training Model Types are Baseline, BatchNorm, ResNet, ResNeXt, DenseNet, Default:Baseline
Path to save Logs and dynamic plots, Default=../Logs
python Train.py --NumEpochs 50 --MiniBatchSize 32 --ModelType Baseline --CustomLogs ../Logs
Test the model
python Test.py --ModelPath <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT> --SelectTestSet False --ModelType Baseline
usage: Test.py [-h] [--ModelPath MODELPATH] [--LabelsPath LABELSPATH] [--SelectTestSet SELECTTESTSET] [--ModelType MODELTYPE] [--ConfusionMatrixPath CONFUSIONMATRIXPATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to load latest model from, Default:ModelPath
Path of labels file, Default:./TxtFiles/LabelsTest.txt
Choose the set to run the test on, Default:True
Model to use for training Model Types are Baseline, BatchNorm, ResNet, ResNeXt, DenseNet, Default:Baseline
Path to save the confusion matrix Default:./Logs
python Test.py --ModelPath ../Checkpoints/Baseline/ --ModelType Baseline