This project is a fixed shooter arcade inspired game where the player controls an avatar, moving it side to side in order to eliminate all the enemies that are descending. This GUI version of the game allows the player to move side to side through user input, either pressing 'A' to move left or 'D' to move right, trying to avoid the enemy and their projectiles. The player will be able to shoot the enemy by pressing the 'B' key in attempts to destroy them and win the game. If the player is unable to destroy all the enemies before they descend or if the player is shot by an enemy projectile and is killed, then the game will end. Download all the files as a ZIP. Extract to folder. Open terminal and open directory where you downloaded the files. Type in "javac -cp .;junit-4.12.jar;hamcrest-core-1.3.jar *.java" to compile all the files. Type in "java -cp .;junit-4.12.jar;hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore PlayerTest" to run the junit test. Type in java GUI in the terminal to run the game.
T10G4 Birmadu Duressa James Espiritu Hrithvik Gadhiya Rachael Nguyen Jack Yang
Inspiration drawn from the arcade game Space Invaders.