© 2014 Farsight Security Inc.
Relased under the Apache Software Foundation license. See LICENSE.txt. Contains code licensed under the Apache Software Foundation license. See COPYRIGHT.txt for details.
This is a disk-backed implementation of the Count-Min Sketch algorithm. The Count-Min Sketch is an Approximate Member Query algorithm, which means that you can say with certainty that something is not in the set and that there is a chance of error when you say that something is in the set. This algorithm is different from a Bloom filter in that it is a multiset instead of a set and you can use it to count instances. It works much like a python set except that you can never retrieve keys, only values. All typical set operations, except union, are supported. You will have better results if you use the add/remove/discard functions instead of the assignment operators as the former are less disruptive to the internal data structure.
Print out all lines occurring 5 or more times in a file.
from fsisketch import CMSketch
sketch = CMSketch('example', 'I', 10000)
for line in open('example.txt'):
if sketch[line] == 4:
print (line.rstrip())
Track when you last saw something.
from fsisketch import CMSketch
from time import time
sketch = CMSketch('example2', 'd', 10000)
for key in some_generator():
now = time()
if key in sketch:
print ('Saw "{}" {} seconds ago.'.format(key, now - sketch[key]))
sketch[key] = now
Find unknown words.
from fsisketch import CMSketch
sketch = CMSketch('example3', 'B', 10000)
sketch.update(line.rstrip() for line in open('/usr/share/dict/words'))
new_words = sketch.difference(some_document.split())