A full-stack database management system for restaurants in Chicago.
This is database project for CS411 course Database Systems at UIUC. It contains hundreds of thousands of information about restaurants, menus, reviews, reviewers etc.
- Basic CRUD
- Advanced Query
- Food and Restaurant Classification
- Comparsion of Query Results
- Administrator and User Permission Management
See doc
to see the design description of the project. A demo video of our website can be found here.
Data for the project is from Google Map and Yelp. Raw data and data manipulation code is in src
. One can have a preview of what it looks like but be careful with running the code. They are not stable and quite system-specific. See googlemap.ipynb
to setup up the database.
Make sure you have nodejs
installed. After you have your database set up, fill in the databse information in server.js
and run the following to install dependency:
npm init
npm install mysql2
npm install express
npm install -g express-generator
npm express --view=ejs
npm install
npm install body-parser
npm install path
To start the website, run node server.js
and go to the website based on the ip address(localhost
or other) and port (80
default) from your browser.
Please follow Academic Integrity policy on UIUC. For more information, refer to https://provost.illinois.edu/policies/policies/academic-integrity/ and https://cs.illinois.edu/academics/courses/cs411.