This is an experimental R package that provides the Morris visualization library as a html widget for R. The implementation in this package borrows heavily from some utility functions in rCharts, but uses the htmlwidgets
package to deliver the widget.
You can install it from github
pkgs <- c('rstudio/htmltools', 'ramnathv/htmlwidgets', 'ramnathv/morris')
Here are some simple examples that you can play with.
Line Chart
dat = data.frame(
year = as.character(2008:2012),
value = c(20, 10, 5, 5, 20)
morris(value ~ year, data = dat, type = 'Line')
Bar Chart
haireye =
dat <- subset(haireye, Sex == "Female" & Eye == "Blue")
morris(Freq ~ Hair, data = dat, type = 'Bar', labels = list("Count"))
MultiBar Chart
haireye =
dat = subset(haireye, Sex == "Female")
morris(Freq ~ Eye,
group = "Hair",
data = dat,
type = "Bar",
labels = levels(dat$Hair),
barColors = c('black', 'brown', 'red', '#FAF0BE')
You can also use it in a Shiny app
dat = data.frame(
year = as.character(2008:2012),
value = c(20, 10, 5, 5, 20)
ui = bootstrapPage(
selectInput('type', 'Choose Type', c('Line', 'Bar')),
textInput('units', 'Choose', 'Km'),
morrisOutput('myplot', 600, 400)
server = function(input, output, session){
output$myplot <- renderWidget({
morris(value ~ year, data = dat, type = input$type, labels = list("Value"),
yLabelFormat = sprintf("function(y){return y.toString() + ' %s'}",
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))