A package to allow you to use online fonts in your flutter app.
Inspired by google_fonts.
Declare your font family like this:
class YujiMai extends OnlineFont {
const YujiMai();
String get fontFamily => 'YujiMai';
Map<FontVariant, FontFile> get fonts => {
FontVariant.regular: const FontFile(
url: 'https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/a/d6741e6df72abe0287210735f84bb297fb8704e9e44ae1bd53e9366f75215ce8.ttf',
// ---------------optional---------------
expectedFileHash: 'd6741e6df72abe0287210735f84bb297fb8704e9e44ae1bd53e9366f75215ce8',
expectedLength: 7830152,
extensionName: 'ttf',
// ---------------optional---------------
or like this:
final yujiMai = RawOnlineFont(fontFamily: 'YujiMai', fonts: ...);
Use it like this:
Text('Hello, world', style: yujiMai.textStyle());
Text('Hello, world', style: const YujiMai().textStyle());
And you can preload it like this:
await yujiMai.loadAll();
// then use it like this
const Text('Hello, world', style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'YujiMai-Regular'));
// If you don't matter the `const`, you can use the above written way
Text('Hello, world', style: yujiMai.textStyle());
Text('Hello, world', style: const YujiMai().textStyle());
Or you just want to preload one variant:
await yujiMai.loadVariant(FontVariant.regular);