As requested by IBM, this repository is moved to, but we aim to keep both repositories synced up. The code is released under Apache License v2.
ZOO is a zeroth order optimization based attack to attack deep neural networks (DNNs). We propose an effective black-box attack that only requires access to the input (images) and the output (confidence scores) of a targeted DNN. We formularize the attack as an optimization problem (similar as Carlini and Wagner's attack), and propose a new loss function suitable for the black-box setting. We use zeroth order stochastic coordinate descent to optimize on the target DNN directly, along with dimension reduction, hierarchical attack and importance sampling techniques to make the attack efficient. No transferability or substitute model is required.
There are two variants of ZOO, ZOO-ADAM and ZOO-Newton, corresponding to different solvers (ADAM and Newton) to find the best coordinate update. In practice ZOO-ADAM usually works better with fine-tuned parameters, but ZOO-Newton is more stable when close to the optimal solution.
The experiment code is based on Carlini and Wagner's L2 attack, with
zeroth order optimizer added in
. The inception model
is updated to a new version (inception_v3_2016_08_28.tar.gz
), and
an unified interface
is added.
For more details, please see our paper:
ZOO: Zeroth Order Optimization based Black-box Attacks to Deep Neural Networks without Training Substitute Models by Pin-Yu Chen*, Huan Zhang*, Yash Sharma, Jinfeng Yi, Cho-Jui Hsieh
* Equal contribution
The code is tested with python3 and TensorFlow v1.2 and v1.3. The following packages are required:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install pillow scipy numpy tensorflow-gpu keras h5py numba
Prepare the MNIST and CIFAR-10 data and models for attack:
To download the inception model:
To prepare the ImageNet dataset, download and unzip the following archive:
and put the imgs
folder in ../imagenetdata
. This path can be changed
An unified attack interface,
is provided. Run python3 -h
to get a list of arguments and help.
The following are some examples of attacks:
Run ZOO black-box targeted attack, on the mnist dataset with 200 images, with
ZOO-ADAM solver, search for best regularization constant for 9 iterations, and
save attack images to folder black_results
. To run on the CIFAR-10 dataset,
replace 'mnist' with 'cifar10'.
python3 -a black -d mnist -n 200 --solver adam -b 9 -s "black_results"
Run Carlini and Wagner's white-box targeted attack, on the mnist dataset with
200 images, using the Z (logits) value in objective (only available in
white-box setting), search for best regularization constant for 9 iterations,
and save attack images to folder white_results
python3 -a white -d mnist -n 200 --use_zvalue -b 9 -s "white_results"
Run ZOO black-box untargeted attack, on the imagenet dataset with 150 images, with ZOO-ADAM
solver, do not binary search the regularization parameter (i.e., search only 1
time), and set the initial regularization parameter to a fixed value (10.0). Use
attack-space dimension reduction with image resizing, and reset ADAM states
when the first attack is found. Run a maximum of 1500 iterations, and print
out loss every 10 iterations. Save attack images to folder imagenet_untargeted
python3 --untargeted -a black -d imagenet -n 150 --solver adam -b 1 -c 10.0 --use_resize --reset_adam -m 1500 -p 10 -s "imagenet_untargeted"
Run ZOO black-box targeted attack, on the imagenet dataset, with the 69th image
only. Set the regularization parameter to 10.0 and do not binary search. Use
attack-space dimension reduction and hierarchical attack with image resizing,
and reset ADAM states when the first attack is found. Run a maximum of 20000
iterations, and print out loss every 10 iterations. Save attack images to
folder imagenet_all_tricks_img69
python3 -a black --solver adam -d imagenet -f 69 -n 1 -c 10.0 --use_resize --reset_adam -m 20000 -p 10 -s "imagenet_all_tricks_img69"
Importance sampling is on by default for ImageNet data, and can be turned off by
option. To change the hierarchical attack dimension scheduling,
, near line 580.