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@github-actions github-actions released this 30 Aug 05:02

v0.3.11 - 2024-08-30


This version is identical to v0.3.10, except that it fixes a bug in the FixIt theme internal version number.

🚀 Upgrade guide

  1. Update min hugo version to 0.132.0

  2. Custom Output Formats for your need. Default is:

      home = ["html", "rss", "archives", "offline", "search"]
      page = ["html", "markdown"]
      section = ["html", "rss"]
      taxonomy = ["html"]
      term = ["html", "rss"]
  3. If you use algolia search, you should upload search.json rather than index.json

  4. Repalce front matter hiddenFromRss to hiddenFromFeed

  5. Remove the params.ibruce configuration and add the params.busuanzi configuration with the following format:

    # FixIt 0.3.10 | NEW Busuanzi count
      # whether to enable busuanzi count
      enable = false
      # busuanzi count core script source. Default is
      source = ""
      # whether to show the site views
      siteViews = true
      # whether to show the page views
      pageViews = true