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Database Manager Web Interface

DBManager (DBM) is a web interface generator that help you to implement a database manager on your website. It's an implementation of FQTDBCoreManager with web interface.

For more information about FQTDBCoreManager, see her documentation

v2.0 17 MAI 17


Step 1: Install FQTDBCoreManager

For more information about FQTDBCoreManager, see her documentation

Step 2: Composer requirement

Add repositories to your composer.json

"repositories" : [
        "type" : "vcs",
        "url" : "",
        "no-api": true

Add requirement :

"require": {
    "db/managerbundle": "2.*",

Update your requirements with composer update command.

Step 3: Bundle configuration

Enable the bundle in the kernel :

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new DB\ManagerBundle\DBManagerBundle()

Update your routing.yml :

    resource: "@DBManagerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /database

Set up your config.yml :



DBManagerBundle is a FOUQUET initiative. See also the creator.


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle


Override templates

DBM use 2 templates (index and main). Index view is the view that list all your entity and index view execute action on your entity. You can override this template with templates argument in your configuration file.

    index: MyBundle:PathTo:MyView.html.twig

Views configuration

Each action can have a specific view. To do this, you can define views property in your configuration file.

    - { action: myAction1, default_view: list, container: [] }
    — { action: myAction2, custom_view: MyBundle:PathTo:MyView.html.twig, container: [ add ]}

For each view, you can define :

  • template : the template is load with default_view or custom_view argument. default_view can be form or list and load default template.
  • container : container is an array that contains all actions that the main action action contain in her view.

Links configuration

Each action can have links that will be inserted into its view. To do this, you can define links property in your configuration file. The approach to the links is very similar to the views

    - { action: myAction1, container: [] }
    — { action: myAction2, container: [ add ]}

An action can be linked only if it's a global action. See FQTDBCoreManagerBundle