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refine the mechanics of convertLotekCDMAFile
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hugomflavio committed Oct 13, 2024
1 parent 92d0904 commit ac22475
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 11 deletions.
134 changes: 123 additions & 11 deletions R/helper.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -763,31 +763,143 @@ convertLotekCDMAFile <- function(file, date_format = "%m/%d/%y") {
gmt_cor <- sub("GMT Correction:\\s*", "", gmt_cor)
gmt_cor <- decimalTime(gmt_cor)

# importing this file is not easy. We must extract the detection lines
# and the detection headers and then work with them. To find those lines:
det_start <- grep("=========", file_raw)[1]
det_end <- grep("Receiver Sensor Messages:", file_raw)[1] - 2

det_names <- file_raw[det_start-1]
det_names <- sub("Tag ID", "Signal", det_names)
# To properly parse the columns, we must use the column names, otherwise the
# import will fail if any of the columns only has NAs in it. But we must
# remove the "===" row before working with it. We must also replace any single
# spaces in the column names with underscores.
det_lines <- file_raw[(det_start-1):det_end]
det_lines <- det_lines[-2] # <- the "=====" line
det_lines[1] <- stringr::str_replace_all(det_lines[1],
pattern = "(?<!\\s)\\s(?!\\s)",
replacement = "_")

# Now that we have the detection lines, we need to work some magic to find
# the right column widths. This is because read_fwf doesn't allow using the
# first row as column names, but without knowing the widths of that first row,
# we'll run into the NA issue I mentioned above. So:
# find out how fwf would read the headers
head_fw <- readr::fwf_empty(I(det_lines[1]))
# add the column names to head_fw
aux <- sub("Tag_ID[^ ]*", "Signal", det_lines[1])
head_fw$col_names <- unlist(strsplit(aux, "\\s+"))
# find out how fwf would read the table content
body_fw <- readr::fwf_empty(I(det_lines), skip = 1)
# now the fun part, compare the two and expand head_fw as needed.
# at the end of the foor loop below, head_fw will have the right
# column positions to import the detection lines correctly.

# the code below works for this example:
# head_fw:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 0 13 17 21 27 31 44 4749 60 65 73 77 83 88 93
# |------------| |---| |---| |--| |----------| |-------| |-----| |----|
# |Serial_Number Date Time TOA Tag_ID[dec] Tag_Type Sensor Power

# body_fw:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 !!! 7
# 0 13 17 2527 35 40 47 56 60 70 73 90 93
# |------------| |-------| |-------| |------| |---| |--| |--|
# |WHS4K-1900132 03/25/24 12:22:25 0.19490 1132 PSK 512

# Both combined:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 0 13 17 2527 35 40 4749 60 65 73 77 83 88 93
# |------------| |-------| |-------| |------| |----------| |-------| |-----| |----|
# |Serial_Number Date Time TOA Tag_ID[dec] Tag_Type Sensor Power
# |WHS4K-1900132 03/25/24 12:22:25 0.19490 1132 PSK 512

# i_b is set manually because some columns may be missing
# in body_fw, so we need to be able to make body_fw lag
# behind in comparison to head_fw.
i_b <- 0
for (i_h in 1:length(head_fw$begin)) {
i_b <- i_b + 1
while (TRUE) {
if (head_fw$begin[i_h] < body_fw$begin[i_b]) {
if ($end[i_h])) {
# we've reached the end
if (head_fw$end[i_h] <= body_fw$begin[i_b]) {
# if A starts and ends before/when b begins
# then this is a missing column, so for the
# coming comparisons we must lag behind in b.
i_b <- i_b - 1
} else {
# a starts earlier, which is fine.
if (head_fw$end[i_h] >= body_fw$end[i_b]) {
# a already encompasses b.
} else {
# expand a to encompass b.
head_fw$end[i_h] <- body_fw$end[i_b]
if (head_fw$begin[i_h] == body_fw$begin[i_b]) {
if ($end[i_h])) {
# we've reached the end
if (head_fw$end[i_h] == body_fw$end[i_b]) {
# a and b are the same.
} else {
if (head_fw$begin[i_h + 1] >= body_fw$end[i_b]) {
head_fw$end[i_h] <- body_fw$end[i_b]
} else {
# should never happen?
stop("something went wrong, contact developer")
if (head_fw$begin[i_h] > body_fw$begin[i_b]) {
head_fw$begin[i_h] <- body_fw$begin[i_b]

output <- readr::read_fwf(file,
skip = det_start,
n_max = det_end - det_start,
# now that we know the fixed widths, we can import the data
output <- readr::read_fwf(I(det_lines),
col_positions = head_fw,
skip = 1, # skip the column headers to get the data types right.
show_col_types = FALSE)

# convert to data.table to stay compatible
# with the rest of the import functions
output <-

colnames(output) <- unlist(strsplit(det_names, "\\s\\s*"))
# work on the columns we want to keep
output$CodeSpace <- code_type
output$Receiver <- as.numeric(serial_n)
output$Date <- as.Date(output$Date, format = date_format)
output$Timestamp <- paste(output$Date, output$Time)
output$Signal <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(output$Signal))
# a more elegant warning is thrown at the end if NAs are formed here

output <- data.table::setnames(output,
c("Type", "Value"),
c("Sensor.Unit", "Sensor.Value"))

link <- matchl(colnames(output), c("Type", "Sensor"))
if (sum(link) > 1) {
stop("too many sensor type matches. contact developer")
if (sum(link) == 1) {
output$Sensor.Unit <- output[, which(link), with = FALSE]
} else {
output$Sensor.Unit <- NA

if ("Value" %in% colnames(output)) {
output$Sensor.Value <- output$Value
} else {
output$Sensor.Value <- NA

# extract the standard columns
std_cols <- c("Timestamp", "Receiver", "CodeSpace",
"Signal", "Sensor.Value", "Sensor.Unit")
output <- output[, std_cols, with = FALSE]
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