Tools for working with the KITTI dataset in Python.
The majority of this project is available under the MIT license. The files in
are a notable exception, being a modified version of
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb and Daniel P. Huttenlocher's belief propogation code 1
licensed under the GNU GPL v2. These files are not essential to any part of the
rest of the project, and are only used to run the optional belief propogation
disparity image interpolation.
To begin working with this project, clone the repository to your machine
git clone
Download the KITTI data to a subfolder named data
within this folder.
Most of the tools in this project are for working with the raw KITTI data.
For example, if you download and unpack drive 11 from 2011.09.26, it should
be in the folder data/2011_09_26/2011_09_26_drive_0011_sync
. The
calibration files for that day should be in data/2011_09_26
Since the project uses the location of the Python files to locate the data folder, the project must be installed in development mode so that it uses the original source folder
python develop
You should now be able to import the project in Python. If you have trouble
with commands like kitti.raw.load_video
, check that
points to the correct location (the location where you put the data), and that
commands like
return valid paths.
For examples of how to use the commands, look in kitti/tests
. Most of the
examples use drive 11, but it should be easy to modify them to use a drive of
your choice.
Happy hacking!
The belief propagation module uses Cython to connect to the C++ BP code. To build the Cython module, run
python build_ext --inplace
This should create the file
in kitti/bp