- Very hard to find such lib so I make this.
- Scale the size of Picture such the format of jpg or png.
- 2019/5/12 Support Bytes Stream of Picture to Scale.
go get -v -u github.com/hunterhug/go_image
- Scale by width,input and output is bytes:
func ScaleB2B(InRaw []byte, width int) (OutRaw []byte, err error)
- Scale by width,input and output is the location(filename) of picture:
func ScaleF2F(filename string, savepath string, width int) (err error)
- Scale by width and height,input and output is bytes:
func ThumbnailB2B(InRaw []byte, width int, height int) (OutRaw []byte, err error)
- Scale by width and height,input and output is the location(filename) of picture:
func ThumbnailF2F(filename string, savepath string, width int, height int) (err error)
- Check the image real file type, such 4.jpg return 4.png(input is the location of file):
func RealImageName(filename string) (filerealname string, err error)
- Rename the file,if file exist will throw err if force is false, when force is true overwrite:
func ChangeImageName(oldname string, newname string, force bool) (err error)
package go_image
import (
func TestImage(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("本文件文件夹位置:%s\n", CurDir())
filename := "./testdata/gopher.png"
width := 500
height := 800
save1 := "./testdata/gopher500.jpg"
save2 := "./testdata/gopher500_800.png"
err := ScaleF2F(filename, save1, width)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("生成按宽度缩放图失败:%s\n", err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Printf("生成按宽度缩放图:%s\n", save1)
err = ThumbnailF2F(filename, save2, width, height)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("生成按宽度高度缩放图:%s\n", err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Printf("生成按宽度高度缩放图:%s\n", save2)
//如 ./testdata/gopher500.jpg其实是png类型,但是命名错误,需要纠正!
realfilename, err := RealImageName(save1)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("真正的文件名: %s->? err:%s\n", save1, err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Printf("真正的文件名:%s->%s\n", save1, realfilename)
err = ChangeImageName(save1, realfilename, true)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("文件改名失败:%s->%s,%s\n", save1, realfilename, err.Error())
} else {
err = ChangeImageName(save1, realfilename, false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("文件改名失败:%s->%s,%s\n", save1, realfilename, err.Error())
=== RUN TestImage
文件改名失败:./testdata/gopher500.jpg->./testdata/gopher500.png,File already exist error
--- PASS: TestImage (1.66s)
Width 500px Scale:
Width 500px,Height 800px Scale:
This is a Graphics library for the Go programming language.
Unless otherwise noted, the graphics-go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
Contributions should follow the same procedure as for the Go project: http://golang.org/doc/contribute.html