The Pokémon Recommender is a recommender system that outputs similar Pokémon to the one inputted.
Use the package manager pip to install the following dependencies.
pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
- At the command prompt, type
python3 50
to generate the file50-pokemon.json
, a JSON file that contains data on the first 50 Pokémon according to the National Dex. For more Pokémon, replace the50
from the command with the number of Pokémon to consider. This will generate a different file{NUM}-pokemon.json
is the number of Pokémon. - Run the cells of the Jupyter Notebook, making sure to specify the correct JSON file. Use the classes from
to create recommender objects that need to be initiated with thecreate
method that takes a DataFrame as input (specificallypokemon_df
). - To get recommendations, use the
method, which takes a Pokémon's name as input and returns a DataFrame.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.