A Python API for Planka
pip install plankapy
The full documentation can be found here.
All Interfaces are documented in the API section.
Planka models have all been implemented as Python objects. This means that you can access all the properties of a resource as if it were a Python object:
>>> project.name
'Project 1'
>>> project.managers
[User(id=1, username='username', ...), User(id=2, username='username2', ...), ...]
All models have type hints for every property and attribute, meaning you don't have to guess what a method or property will return. When using a modern IDE, this allows for extensive code completion and prevents you from having to remember what every property and method returns.
All included resources are accessible through object properties that send out a request to the server when accessed. This means that you can access up to date information about a resource without having to manually refresh it.
>>> list1 = board.lists[0]
>>> list2 = board.lists[1]
>>> list1.cards
[Card(id=1, name='Card 1', ...), Card(id=2, name='Card 2', ...)]
>>> list2.cards
>>> list1.cards[0].move(list2)
>>> list1.cards
[Card(id=2, name='Card 2', ...)]
>>> list2.cards
[Card(id=1, name='Card 1', ...)]
Because all stored objects maintain the attributes assigned to them on their creation, direct attribute editing is not synced with the server resource. To mitigate this a .editor()
context manager is provided that refreshes the resource on entry and updates the resource on exit.
>>> c1 = list1.cards[0]
>>> c1.name = "New Name"
>>> c1.name
'New Name'
# Get the resource again to see that the name has not changed
>>> c2 = list1.cards[0]
>>> c2.name
'Card 1'
>>> c1 = list1.cards[0]
>>> with c1.editor():
... c1.name = "New Name"
>>> c1.name
'New Name'
# Get the resource again to see that the name has changed
>>> c2 = list1.cards[0]
>>> c2.name
'New Name'
Getting started with plankapy is as simple as creating a Planka
object and passing it your authentication method. From there, you can access all the resources available to your logged in user account.
>>> from plankapy import Planka, PasswordAuth
>>> planka = Planka("https://planka.example.com", PasswordAuth("username", "password"))
>>> planka.me
User(id=1, username='username', ...)
>>> planka.projects
[Project(id=1, name='Project 1', ...), Project(id=2, name='Project 2', ...), ...]
This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.