Omeka-S theme built for the International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University
Created by Anneliese Dehner, 2017
Compatible with Omeka-S v1.1 and Omeka-S 2.x (latest tested, 2.1.2)
Reference module (daniel-km)
Generic module (daniel-km) (required by Reference)
List view
Standard listing
Grid view
"Stacked" image-based grid (Pinterest-style)
"Quick search" sidebar
Utilizes Reference module. Does not provide multi-click faceted searching, just one-click searches.
Top Navigation Depth
Maximum number of levels to show in the site's top navigation bar. Set to 0 to show all levels.
Can attach a media asset (JPG, PNG, etc.)
Footer Content
HTML content to appear in the footer
To customize the theme to your project beyond the Theme Settings available in the Omeka UI, you will want to modify the following portions of the theme files:
Banner graphic
The banner file is coded into the theme directly at files/asset/6394f1d86f058a725b421882d1c69a8cf986fbb2.png
You will find the site banner coded in /view/layout/layout.phtml in the tag <a id="institution-logo">
The banner can vary in width from a small square, to a rectangle, to extending across the entire screen.
Logo image
The logo file is not set by default, and can be uploaded/attached via Sites > Theme > Edit theme settings. The logo appears in the top right corner, to the right of the banner (outlined in blue in the example screenshot below). An appropriate size/ratio would be around 250px by 75px.
The sidebar is coded into the theme directly at view/common/refine-list.phtml.