This demo React app demonstrates how to send and receive cryptocurrency payments using the Hydrogen Molecule API. Please visit the Molecule Quickstart Guide for a full tutorial on Molecule, including code snippets used for this app.
- Create an account and login to your application with Hydrogen-managed OAuth 2.0 credentials
- Send cryptocurrency to other users
- Access your blockchain wallet with your username or email address
- View your transactions on the Etherscan block explorer
- Clone the repo to your computer. Update
with your own Hydrogen API keys if you have access to the Molecule API. npm i
npm run start
- You must disable CORS in your browser for the app to run. For Google Chrome users on Linux, that command is
google-chrome --disable-web-security
. On OSX, open the Terminal and typeopen -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
- Visit