Allows easy attachment of a Node
or an Element
instance to another Node
instance or an Element
type CssSelector = string;
type NodeLike = CssSelector | Node;
type AttachAction = 'after' | 'before' | 'endof' | 'startof';
type AttachableString = AttachAction + '@' + CssSelector;
interface AttachableObject {
[AttachAction]: NodeLike;
type Attachable = AttachableString | AttachableObject;
declare function attachNode (node: Node, attachable: Attachable | Attachable[]): void;
import attachNode from 'attach-node'
const someNode = ... // Get a reference to some node somehow.
// Using {action}@{css-selector} Syntax:
attachNode(someNode, 'startof@body')
attachNode(someNode, 'endof@body')
attachNode(someNode, '[email protected]')
attachNode(someNode, '[email protected]')
// Using Object Syntax with CSS Selector:
attachNode(someNode, { startof: 'body' })
attachNode(someNode, { endof: 'body' })
attachNode(someNode, { before: '.app' })
attachNode(someNode, { after: '.app' })
const otherNode = ... // Get a reference to some other node.
// Using Object Syntax with Node Instance:
attachNode(someNode, { startof: otherNode })
attachNode(someNode, { endof: otherNode })
attachNode(someNode, { before: otherNode })
attachNode(someNode, { after: otherNode })
// With Fallbacks:
// The first "attachable" that matches to an existing Node instance wins.
attachNode(someNode, [
'[email protected] > .bar',
{ startof: otherNode },