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Module: Template

1. About the project

  • Brief overview:

    • Document generation module based on templates, which

      • can handle templates in different formats and inject parameter lists into them, then generate the finished document.

      • The module is designed to generate output documents (PDF, XLSX, HTML, TXT, …​) from various template formats with identifiers (TXT, HTML, object, JRXML, …​) by inserting the received parameter(s) into the received template.

      • The solution is based on a microservice architecture.

Using Compose Commands

You need to use these compose commands during development. You can develop and test the installation process step by step.

First command: docker-compose up with build (click here)
Postgresql (click here)
docker compose --env-file .env -f etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
  • This command is based on "docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml" file located in etc/docker-compose folder (under the related database).

    • This command downloads and builds PostgreSQL and Liquibase images, then starts the database.

      • The Postgres image is our corporate image (contains PG 14 and already includes PG_CRON extension needed for partitioning), located in Github: GitHub-Postgres_14

      • The Liquibase image is our corporate image (contains some predefined settings and installation steps, including OJDBC), located in Github: GitHub-liquibase

The possible result of the command execution (click here)
jholczer@jholczer-Latitude-5520:~/git/modul/dookug-db$ docker compose --env-file .env -f etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
WARN[0000] network default: is deprecated. Please set with external: true
[+] Running 2/0
 âś” Volume "module-dookug-postgredb-data"  Created                                                              0.0s
 âś” Container module-dookug-postgredb      Created                                                              0.0s
Attaching to module-dookug-postgredb
module-dookug-postgredb  | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
module-dookug-postgredb  | This user must also own the server process.
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
module-dookug-postgredb  | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
module-dookug-postgredb  | The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | Data page checksums are disabled.
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  | creating subdirectories ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
module-dookug-postgredb  | selecting default max_connections ... 100
module-dookug-postgredb  | selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
module-dookug-postgredb  | selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC
module-dookug-postgredb  | creating configuration files ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  | running bootstrap script ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  | performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  | syncing data to disk ... ok
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | Success. You can now start the database server using:
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  |     pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
module-dookug-postgredb  | You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
module-dookug-postgredb  | --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
module-dookug-postgredb  | waiting for server to start....2024-01-05 09:31:06.546 UTC [35] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.8 (Debian 14.8-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.548 UTC [35] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.554 UTC [36] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2024-01-05 09:31:06 UTC
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.558 UTC [35] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
module-dookug-postgredb  |  done
module-dookug-postgredb  | server started
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | /usr/local/bin/ running /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | waiting for server to shut down...2024-01-05 09:31:06.659 UTC [35] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
module-dookug-postgredb  | .2024-01-05 09:31:06.662 UTC [35] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.663 UTC [35] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 42) exited with exit code 1
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.663 UTC [37] LOG:  shutting down
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.680 UTC [35] LOG:  database system is shut down
module-dookug-postgredb  |  done
module-dookug-postgredb  | server stopped
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
module-dookug-postgredb  |
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.780 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.8 (Debian 14.8-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.780 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.780 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.784 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.789 UTC [52] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2024-01-05 09:31:06 UTC
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.794 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
module-dookug-postgredb  | 2024-01-05 09:31:06.797 UTC [58] LOG:  pg_cron scheduler started

If you need to reset the DB to its initial state:

docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-01.yml down -v
  • This command will delete the created DB - t

The possible result of the command execution (click here)
PS Git Client\modul\dookug-db> docker-compose -f etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml down -v
time="2023-08-16T14:52:23+02:00" level=warning msg="network default: is deprecated. Please set with external: true"
[+] Running 1/0
 âś” Volume module-dookug-postgredb-data  Removed                                                                                                                  0.0s
PS Git Client\modul\dookug-db>
Oracle (click here)
docker-compose -f etc/docker-compose/oracle/ up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
  • This command is based on the "" file located in the etc/docker-compose folder (under the relevant database).

    • This command downloads and builds the Oracle and Liquibase images.

      • The Oracle image is the standard Oracle XE image, which can be downloaded from here:

      • The Liquibase image is our own image (which contains OJDBC and some predefined settings and the installation steps) and can be found in Github: GitHub-liquibase

        1. The posssible result of the command execution (click here)

PS Git Client\modul\dookug-db> docker compose --env-file .env -f etc/docker-compose/oracle/ up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
time="2023-08-16T14:54:53+02:00" level=warning msg="network default: is deprecated. Please set with external: true"
[+] Running 4/4
 âś” Volume "dookug-db-oracle-data"            Created                                                                                                             0.0s
 âś” Container module-document-oracle-step-01  Removed                                                                                                             0.0s
 âś” Container module-document-oracle-step-02  Removed                                                                                                             0.0s
 âś” Container module-dookug-oracle            Created                                                                                                            37.2s
Attaching to module-dookug-oracle
module-dookug-oracle  | Starting Oracle Net Listener.
module-dookug-oracle  | Oracle Net Listener started.
module-dookug-oracle  | Starting Oracle Database instance XE.
module-dookug-oracle  | Oracle Database instance XE started.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /opt/oracle
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 16 12:55:36 2023
module-dookug-oracle  | Version
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | Copyright (c) 1982, 2021, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | Connected to:
module-dookug-oracle  | Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release - Production
module-dookug-oracle  | Version
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL>
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | User altered.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL>
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | User altered.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL>
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | Session altered.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL>
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | User altered.
module-dookug-oracle  |
module-dookug-oracle  | SQL>
module-dookug-oracle  | Disconnected from Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release - Production
module-dookug-oracle  | Version
module-dookug-oracle  | The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /opt/oracle
module-dookug-oracle  | #########################
module-dookug-oracle  | DATABASE IS READY TO USE!
module-dookug-oracle  | #########################
module-dookug-oracle  | The following output is now a tail of the alert.log:
module-dookug-oracle  | Pluggable database XEPDB1 opened read write
module-dookug-oracle  | Starting background process CJQ0
module-dookug-oracle  | 2023-08-16T12:55:36.441712+00:00
module-dookug-oracle  | CJQ0 started with pid=52, OS id=167
module-dookug-oracle  | Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN
module-dookug-oracle  | 2023-08-16T12:55:36.584647+00:00
module-dookug-oracle  | Using default pga_aggregate_limit of 2048 MB
module-dookug-oracle  | 2023-08-16T12:55:36.674010+00:00
module-dookug-oracle  | TABLE AUDSYS.AUD$UNIFIED: ADDED INTERVAL PARTITION SYS_P328 (3334) VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP' 2023-08-17 00:00:00')
module-dookug-oracle  | XEPDB1(3):TABLE AUDSYS.AUD$UNIFIED: ADDED INTERVAL PARTITION SYS_P348 (3334) VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP' 2023-08-17 00:00:00')
module-dookug-oracle  | 2023-08-16T12:55:38.956693+00:00
module-dookug-oracle  | Shared IO Pool defaulting to 80MB. Trying to get it from Buffer Cache for process 124.
module-dookug-oracle  | ===========================================================
module-dookug-oracle  | Dumping current patch information
module-dookug-oracle  | ===========================================================
module-dookug-oracle  | No patches have been applied
module-dookug-oracle  | ===========================================================
module-dookug-oracle  | 2023-08-16T12:55:39.212445+00:00
module-dookug-oracle  | XEPDB1(3):Resize operation completed for file# 10, fname /opt/oracle/oradata/XE/XEPDB1/sysaux01.dbf, old size 337920K, new size 358400K

If you need to reset the DB to its initial state:

docker compose --env-file .env -f etc/docker-compose/oracle/ down -v
  • This command deletes

The possible result of the command execution (click here)
PS Git Client\modul\dookug-db> docker compose --env-file .env -f etc/docker-compose/oracle/ down -v
time="2023-08-16T14:54:19+02:00" level=warning msg="network default: is deprecated. Please set with external: true"
[+] Running 1/0
 âś” Volume dookug-db-oracle-data  Removed                                                                                                                         0.0s
PS Git Client\modul\dookug-db>
Second command: docker-compose steps (click here)

The "compose up" command contains 2 steps (in case of multiple schemas, you may need as many steps as schemas).

docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-01.yml up --build --force-recreate
  • This command is based on "docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-01.yml" file located in etc/docker-compose folder (under the related database).

  • It creates and initializes the database, schema(s), roles and other system objects.

  • In this step, configuration files are used from additional folders: etc/release and liquibase.

docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-02.yml up --build --force-recreate
  • This command is based on "docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-02.yml" file located in etc/docker-compose folder (under the related database).

  • We use configuration files from additional folders here: etc/release and liquibase.

  • We use the Liquibase change log files (changelog) to run the DDL/DML commands.

docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-03.yml up --build --force-recreate
  • This file calls the "liquibase-install-step-03.xml" file indirectly, which only inserts the "dookug_service" command into the CRON.job table so that the CRON scheduler can work with it later.

docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-04.yml up --build --force-recreate
  • This file calls the "liquibase-install-step-04.xml" file indirectly, which only installs the default (dev/test) templates.

Development guide

1. Development

1.1. Used tools, scripts

Available Liquibase changefile types (click here)

Liquibase header:

  1. Postgres/Oracle liquibase header XML version:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE defaultProperties SYSTEM "common/params.dtd">
        <databaseChangeLog xmlns=""
        <!-- include the default properties -->
       <changeSet id="0007" author="jozsef.holczer" labels="0.1.0">
       <comment>UM-116-Creating UM_GROUP table...</comment>
  2. Oracle liquibase header SQL version:

    --liquibase formatted sql
    --changeset labels:0.3.0 dbms:oracle
    --comment PROJECT-504 Creating INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA table
  3. Postgresql liquibase header SQL version:

    --liquibase formatted sql
    --changeset labels:0.3.0 dbms:postgresql
    --comment PROJECT-504 Creating INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA table

Create Table part without BLOB or Partition:

The global DB specific variables, e.g. "${schema_name}", are taken from the "params.dtd" file in the above XML header and are dynamically substituted at runtime.
  1. Postgres/Oracle create table XML version:

    <createTable tableName = "um_group" remarks = "Group storage table." schemaName = "${schema_name}">
        <column name = "x__id" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  remarks = "PK"><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "group_type" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  remarks = "The field indicates whether it's a group created in LDAP or individually on the project page. A check constraint should be placed on the field, with values: LDAP, CUSTOM"><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "group_name" type = "varchar2(255 ${char})"  remarks = "Name of the group"><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "x__insdate" type = "${datetime}" defaultValueComputed = "${sysdate}"  remarks = "Insert timestamp"><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "x__insuser" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})" defaultValue = "0"  remarks = "ID of the User who created the record (X__ID)"><constraints nullable =false" /></column>
        <column name = "x__moddate" type = "${datetime}"  remarks = "Modification timestamp"></column>
        <column name = "x__moduser" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  remarks = "ID of the User who modified the record (X__ID)"></column>
        <column name = "x__version" type = "${versionDataType}" defaultValueNumeric = "0"  remarks = "Change version"><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
    <createIndex indexName="ix_nf_processing_data_id" tableName="nf_processing" schemaName="${schema_name}">
        <column name="nf_data_id"/>
    <addPrimaryKey columnNames="x__id" constraintName="pk_um_group_to_role" tableName="um_group_to_role" schemaName="${schema_name}" />
    <createIndex indexName = "ix_um_group_to_role_um_group_id" tableName = "um_group_to_role" schemaName = "${schema_name}">
        <column name = "um_group_id"/>
    <createIndex indexName = "ix_um_group_to_role_um_role_id" tableName = "um_group_to_role" schemaName = "${schema_name}">
        <column name = "um_role_id"/>
  2. Oracle create table SQL version:

       x__id                            VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) not null,
       interval_declaration_id          VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) not null,
       x__insdate                       DATE default SYSDATE not null,
       x__insuser                       VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) default '0' not null,
       x__moddate                       DATE,
       x__moduser                       VARCHAR2(30 CHAR),
       x__version                       NUMBER default 0 not null
    comment on table INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA is 'Field-level aggregated data of declarations as BLOB';
    comment on column INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA.x__id is 'PK (generated)';
    alter table INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA add constraint PK_INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA primary key (x__id);
    alter table INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA add constraint FK_INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA_INTERVAL_DECLARATION foreign key (interval_declaration_id) references INTERVAL_DECLARATION (x__id);
  3. Postgresql create table SQL version:

       x__id                    VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
       interval_declaration_id   VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
       x__insdate               DATE DEFAULT current_date NOT NULL,
       x__insuser               VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
       x__moddate               DATE,
       x__moduser               VARCHAR(30),
       x__version               INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
    COMMENT ON TABLE INTERVAL_DECLARATION_DATA IS 'Field-level aggregated data of declarations as BLOB';

Create Table part with BLOB or/and Partition:

If your table has a BLOB or partition, you must place the remarks or other key/constraint generating parts in a separate XML file! Global database-specific variables, such as "${schema_name}", come from the "params.dtd" included in the previous XML header and are dynamically replaced at runtime.
  1. Postgres/Oracle create table + BLOB + Partition XML version:

    <createTable tableName = "taxi_invoice_data" schemaName = "${schema_name}">
        <column name = "x__id" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "taxi_invoice_id" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "invoice_data" type = "${blob}"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "insdate_month" type = "${datetime}" defaultValueComputed = "to_date(to_char(${sysdate}, 'YYYY.MM'), 'YYYY.MM')"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /><olumn>
        <column name = "x__insdate" type = "${datetime}" defaultValueComputed = "${sysdate}"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "x__insuser" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})" defaultValue = "0"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
        <column name = "x__moddate" type = "${datetime}"  ></column>
        <column name = "x__moduser" type = "varchar2(30 ${char})"  ></column>
        <column name = "x__version" type = "${versionDataType}" defaultValueNumeric = "0"  ><constraints nullable = "false" /></column>
    <modifySql dbms = "oracle">
        <append value = "lob(invoice_data) store as securefile "/>
        <append  value = " PARTITION BY RANGE (x__insdate) INTERVAL( NUMTOYMINTERVAL(1, 'MONTH') )( PARTITION p_start VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('2023-01-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')) )"/>
    <modifySql dbms = "postgresql">
        <append  value = " PARTITION BY RANGE (insdate_month); "/>
        <append  value = " SELECT partman.create_parent(
            p_parent_table    => '${schema_name}.taxi_invoice_data',
            p_control         => 'insdate_month',
            p_type            => 'native',
            p_interval        => 'monthly',
            p_premake         => 4,
            p_start_partition => (now())::text
        ); "/>
All other objects, including column and table comments, must be in a separate XML file (with the same XML header).
  1. Oracle create table + BLOB + Partition SQL version:

    create table AMENDMENT_CATALOG
      x__id             VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) not null,
      amendment_catalog BLOB not null,
      valid_from        DATE default trunc(sysdate) not null,
      valid_to          DATE default to_date('9999.12.31','YYYY.MM.DD') not null,
      x__insdate        DATE default sysdate not null,
      x__insuser        VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) default '0' not null,
      x__moddate        DATE,
      x__moduser        VARCHAR2(30 CHAR),
      x__version        NUMBER default 0 not null
    ) LOB(amendment_catalog) STORE AS SECUREFILE(
    partition by range (x__insdate)
       interval( numtoyminterval(1,'MONTH'))(
          partition p_start values less than (to_date('2021-01-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
  2. Postgresql create table + BLOB + Partition SQL version:

    create table AMENDMENT_CATALOG
      x__id             VARCHAR(30) not null,
      amendment_catalog bytea not null,
      valid_from        timestamptz(6) default trunc(sysdate) not null,
      valid_to          timestamptz(6) default to_date('9999.12.31','YYYY.MM.DD') not null,
      insdate_month     timestamptz(6) default to_date(to_char(now(), 'YYYY.MM'), 'YYYY.MM') not null,
      x__insdate        timestamptz(6) default now() not null,
      x__insuser        VARCHAR(30) default '0' not null,
      x__moddate        timestamptz(6),
      x__moduser        VARCHAR(30),
      x__version        INT default 0 not null
    PARTITION BY RANGE (insdate_month);
    SELECT partman.create_parent(
            p_parent_table    => 'AMENDMENT_CATALOG',
            p_control         => 'insdate_month',
            p_type            => 'native',
            p_interval        => 'monthly',
            p_premake         => 4,
            p_start_partition => (now())::text

Separated remarks examples in case of XML BLOB or Partition:

<setTableRemarks remarks="Control tables for status modification and process operation/correction" schemaName="${schema_name}" tableName="nf_push"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__id" remarks="PK" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="nf_data_id" remarks="FK - NF_DATA.X__ID" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="device_token" remarks="The device token to which the message should be sent." tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="channel_id" remarks="Collector ID of devices subscribed to a specified channel." tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="data" remarks="JSON formatted data containing unique key-value pairs." tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__insdate" remarks="The timestamp of insertion" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__insuser" remarks="The identifier of the user performing the insertion (X__ID)" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__moddate" remarks="The timestamp of modification" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__moduser" remarks="The identifier of the user performing the modification (X__ID)" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<setColumnRemarks columnName="x__version" remarks="Versioning of changes" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}"/>
<createIndex indexName="ix_nf_push_nf_data_id" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}">
    <column name="nf_data_id"/>
<addPrimaryKey columnNames="x__id" constraintName="pk_nf_push" tableName="nf_push" schemaName="${schema_name}" />
<addForeignKeyConstraint  baseColumnNames="nf_data_id"
FK indexes must be in a separate XML file (with the same XML header) in case of LOB or Partition and if there is a foreign key.

FK index in case of XML BLOB or Partition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE defaultProperties SYSTEM "common/params.dtd">
    <databaseChangeLog xmlns=""
    <!-- include the default properties -->
    <changeSet id="0005" author="jozsef.holczer" labels="0.1.0">
        <comment>PROJECT-44-Creating TAXI_INVOICE table, Foreign Key index.</comment>
        <!-- FK Index -->
        <createIndex indexName = "ix_taxi_invoice_taxi_transaction_id" tableName = "taxi_invoice" schemaName = "${schema_name}">
            <column name = "taxi_transaction_id"/>
        <modifySql dbms = "oracle">
            <append  value = " LOCAL"/>
Local Postgres DB (click here)
docker volume module-dookug-postgredb-data
It creates a volume where the Postgres data is stored. This is a separate Docker volume (volume), which will persist even after the Docker containers are removed. You only need to use this command once.
docker network create dookug-local-network
This creates a network so that the containers can reach each other when the Docker run starts. You only need to use this command once.
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
This command starts the local Postgres database, which will become a daily routine when you want to work with the local database. You need to run this command in a separate command window and leave it running on the taskbar (or on a separate command window tab). It downloads the whole Postgres image (which is configured in the configuration files) during the first run, so it may take a while, because it may need to download several gigabytes. If you want to restart (delete and restart) this image, you can use this command: docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.local.postgredb.yml down -v
docker compose --env-file .env \
    -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-01.yml up \
    --build --force-recreate module-dookug-postgredb-step-01
The service name runs the step-01 of DookuG DB after the command. This will initialize in the "default" Postgres DB. It downloads the standard Liquibase image and initializes the DB. If the Error: "no basic auth credentials" error occurs, use the "docker login" DOCKER_REPOSITORY command, then log in. You only need to use this command once.
docker compose --env-file .env \
    -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-02.yml up \
    --build --force-recreate module-dookug-pg_tools-step-01B
This is the "sub-step" of the "step-02", which installs the pg_partman partition manager extension in the "partman" schema of the DookuG DB. This is only available in Postgresql.
docker compose --env-file .env \
    -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-02.yml up \
    --build --force-recreate module-dookug-postgredb-step-02
This is the "sub-step" of the "step-2", which logs in to the "dookug" schema user and creates the Liquibase objects (e.g. databasechangelog table) during the first run, and other object installations.
docker compose --env-file .env \
    -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-03.yml up \
    --build --force-recreate module-dookug-postgredb-step-03
This logs in with postgres user and creates the dookug entry in the CRON scheduler table, which is only available in Postgresql.
docker compose --env-file .env \
    -f ./etc/docker-compose/postgresql/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-04.yml up \
    --build --force-recreate module-dookug-postgredb-step-04
This logs in with dookug (schema) user and creates the default (dev/test) template objects.
Local Oracle DB (click here)
docker volume create dookug-db-oracle-data
It creates a volume where the Oracle data is stored. This is a separate Docker volume (volume), which will persist even after the Docker containers are removed. You only need to use this command once.
docker network create dookug-local-network
This creates a network so that the containers can reach each other when the Docker run starts. You only need to use this command once.
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/ up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
This command starts the local Oracle database, which will become a daily routine when you want to work with the local database. You need to run this command in a separate command window and leave it running on the taskbar (or on a separate command window tab). It downloads the whole Oracle image (which is configured in the configuration files) during the first run, so it may take a while, because it may need to download several (10 GB) gigabytes. If you want to restart (delete and restart) this image, you can use this command: docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/ down -v
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-01.yml up --build --force-recreate
This command downloads the standard Liquibase image and initializes the DB. If the Error: "no basic auth credentials" error occurs, use the "docker login" DOCKER_REPOSITORY command, then log in. You only need to use this command once.
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-02.yml up --build --force-recreate module-dookug-oracle-step-02
This command logs in with dookug (schema) user and creates the Liquibase objects (e.g. databasechangelog table) during the first run.
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-03.yml up --build --force-recreate module-dookug-oracle-step-03
This step-3 does not do anything in the Oracle installation, it is only included to avoid errors. Since there is a step-4, the Liquibase installer does not like "gaps", so it tries to run the Postgres step-3 on the Oracle DB, which of course fails. So this just calls the Postgres step-3, and since it only runs on the Postgres DB, the installer bypasses it on the Oracle side.
docker compose --env-file .env -f ./etc/docker-compose/oracle/docker-compose.liquibase.install.step-04.yml up --build --force-recreate module-dookug-oracle-step-04
This logs in with dookug (schema) user and creates the default (dev/test) template objects.

Installation, Release, Deployment

Local Postgres (click here)
#Full install
docker run -it --rm \
  --network=dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
#Step by step:
#STEP1 DB init
docker run -it --rm \
  --network=dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0 && \
#PG Tools (partman) install:
docker run -it --rm \
  --network dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://module-dookug-postgredb:port_num/postgres \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://module-dookug-postgredb:port_num/dookug_db \
  --name module-dookug-pg_tools-step-01B \
  icellmobilsoft/pg_tools:0.10.0 && \
#STEP2 - Liqui install:
docker run -it --rm \
  --network=dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0 && \
#STEP3 - register in CRON scheduler:
docker run -it --rm \
  --network=dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0 && \
#STEP4 - Load default (test/dev) templates:
docker run -it --rm \
  --network=dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  • How "embed" Dookug DB into other "host" DB (install Dookug-db dookug schema into other DB):

Embed Postgres in to other DB locally (click here)
#Postgres and Linux:
# The Step4 in DookuG DB contains loading of default templates, therefore the "embedding" installer script format is different for this DB.
# For all host (parent) DBs, the corresponding environment variables need to be rewritten accordingly.
# If you don't need default templates, then STEP_4 can be omitted.
    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
      -e DATABASE_NAME=host_db \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/postgres \
      -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
      -e INSTALL_STEP=STEP_1 \
      -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=dookug \
    icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0 && \
    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
      -e DATABASE_NAME=host_db \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/postgres \
      -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/host_db \
      -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=dookug \
      --name module-dookug-pg_tools-step-01B \
    icellmobilsoft/pg_tools:0.10.0 && \
    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
      -e DATABASE_NAME=host_db \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/host_db \
      -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
      -e INSTALL_STEP=STEP_2 \
      -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=dookug \
      icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0  && \
    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
      -e DATABASE_NAME=host_db \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S3=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/postgres \
      -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
      -e INSTALL_STEP=STEP_3 \
      -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=dookug \
#This 4th step is needed because the Step4 in Dookug DB contains loading of default templates.
#If you don't need default templates, then STEP_4 can be omitted.
    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
      -e DATABASE_NAME=host_db \
      -e INSTALL_URL_S4=jdbc:postgresql://local_host_db-postgredb:port_num/host_db \
      -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
      -e INSTALL_STEP=STEP_4 \
      -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=dookug \
Local Oracle (click here)
  • Locale Oracle install:

    #Full local install
    docker run --rm \
      --network dookug-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
#Step by step:
#STEP1 DB init
docker run --rm \
  --network dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
#STEP2 - Liqui install:
docker run --rm \
  --network dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
#STEP4 - Load Default (test/dev) templates - optional:
docker run --rm \
  --network dookug-local-network \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
Embed Oracle into other Oracle DB locally (click here)
#Oracle and Linux:
    docker run --rm \
      --network host-local-network \
      -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
      -e INSTALL_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@local_host_db-oracle:port_num/xepdb1 \
Server install (click here)
  • The installation process is the same as the local one, however,

    • if the DB is already installed on the server, then STEP1 and/or pg_tools are probably not needed.

    • some environment variables need to be set with different values:

      • USERNAME=user_name

      • PASSWORD=passw

      • INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/postgres

      • INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/schema_name

      • INSTALL_URL_S3=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/postgres

      • INSTALL_URL_S4=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/schema_name

      • There is a possibility to change the password of the Service User from outside: e.g.: -e DB_SERVICE_USER_PASSWORD=new_service_passw, this can only be changed externally on the new installation, so it is only in step 1!

    • Other environment variables are explained in the Configuration section.

docker run -it --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/postgres \
  -e USERNAME=postgres \
  -e PASSWORD=postgres \
  icellmobilsoft/dookug_db:1.1.0 && \
docker run -it --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S1=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/postgres \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/dookug_db \
  --name module-dookug-pg_tools-step-01B \
  icellmobilsoft/pg_tools:0.10.0 && \
docker run -it --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/dookug_db \
docker run -it --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S3=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/postgres \
docker run -it --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=postgresql \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S4=jdbc:postgresql://host:port_num/dookug_db \
#ORACLE server run - in default schema:
docker run --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port_num/db_name \
  -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
  -e INSTALL_USERNAME=vdr_dookug \
#ORACLE server run - in NOT default schema:
docker run --rm \
  -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
  -e INSTALL_URL_S2=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port_num/db_name \
  -e CREATE_DATABASE=false \
  -e INSTALL_SCHEMA=vdr_dookug \
  -e INSTALL_USERNAME=vdr_dookug \
#If the DookuG DB is already installed on the server, then only the 2. step, liquibase install is needed.
  docker run --rm \
    -e AUTO_INSTALL=oracle \
    -e INSTALL_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port/db_name \
    -e INSTALL_STEP=2 \

#on windows: the "\" needs to be changed to "`"!

DookuG is embedded in to Taxi DB
DookuG Service register in CRON
  • optional environment variable, only needed during password change:

      -e DB_SERVICE_USER_PASSWORD=<service user passw> \

Access to databases

Local Oracle DB (clock here)
  1. Since we use XEPDB1 in the local Oracle XE database and not the XE itself, we need to connect to it as follows:

  2. Pl. Oracle SQL Developer:

    • Connection Type: Custom JDBC

    • Custom JDBC URL: dbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/xepdb1

Local ORA DB connection in SQL Developer
  1. Other type (pl. Oracle Developer Tools extension a VSCode-ban):

    • Connection Type: Basic

    • Hostname: localhost

    • Post Number: 1521

    • Service Name: xepdb1

Local ORA DB connection in VS CODE SQL Developer extension

1. ERD diagram

DookuG table ERD diagram

Release notes

  • 0.1.0 Changes:

    • Dookug db install

    • Templates install

    • Documentation

  • 1.0.0 Changes:

    • DATE type has been replaced with Timestamp(6) in Common.dtd file.

    • DKG-228 - Insert a new flexible template into the boards.

    • DKG-217 - Replacing new date types in the boards.

    • DKG-233 - Hash Fix

    • DKG-231 - Convert documentation

    • DKG-238- Load default templates in Step 4.

    • DKG-245 - Improvement of Dookug Vader Installation Error

  • 1.0.3 Changes:

    • DKG-246 - Template Content Fix

    • DKG-261 - Repair of Readme adoc.

    • DKG-261 - Repair of Install.adoc.

  • 1.1.0 Changes:

    • DKG-265 - open source changes

    • DKG-297 - Drop validity_start, validity_end cols from template_part_content, drop template_part_content.template_part_id index, change template_part_content.template_part_id index to unique.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

