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Environment Setup

davidpodhola edited this page May 5, 2021 · 3 revisions

This page explains what you need to set up the environment to run EolERP.

  • Node.JS 12+ for running the API server; switch with commands like nvm use v10.18.1
  • Keyclock (you can import the sample realm by using real-export.json from the docs folder).
  • PostgreSQL is the default database engine


To run the API server, you need to have Node.JS installed. Download a supported version from and install it. You should probably use the latest LTS version.


We use Keycloak for authentication. If you need to just test Keycloak, then please look at Keycloak on Docker and you can be up and running in no time. If you later need to run Keycloak on Dokku, please have a look at keycloak-dokku. You can also find the other options at


PostgreSQL is used as the default database engine and we test EolERP on it. However, since TypeORM is used to generate the SQL commands, with little effort any other TypeORM-supported relational database could be used like MySQL, MariaDB, CockroachDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle or SAP Hana.