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Known Issues

richardsimongreen edited this page Oct 15, 2024 · 64 revisions

Known issues in the latest SDK version (10.x)

Android 15 on 16KB devices

This has now been supported as of 10.2.0 onwards, and in the 9.1.2 patch.

To use the 9.1.2 patch, you will need to use the patch912 branch instead of master when specifying the iProov maven repo in your build.gradle as below:

dependencies {

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

New pinned certificates patched (in 9.0.3)

Please look at this page about updating for use past Dec 2024

Proguard Issues Sometimes (in 9.0.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2)

Some customers have needed to add the following Proguard rules to overcome issues when obfuscating their app. This problem only happens with SDK 9.0.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2. In future releases, this will be in our consumer rules for your convenience.

-keep class kotlin.** { *; }
-keep class kotlinx.** { *; }

Version 9.0.0 should not be used. Please use 9.0.1 and above

Please use the latest version available. In this case, an unexpected problem with 9.0.0 means we strongly recommend not using it, and instead use 9.0.1 and above.

Known issues in previous SDK versions (8.x and below)

New pinned certificate patches

Please look at this page about updating for use past Dec 2024

Proguard Files for 8.0.x

This was missing in the consumer Proguard rules and MUST be added to your Proguard rules. We will be adding this to the consumer rules in the next release, so just for 8.0.x add these yourself:

-keep class** { *; }
-keep class**$* { *; }

Protobuf-java has been replaced by protobuf-javalite in 8.1.0 so this problem goes away. Also consumer proguard rules have been updated.

Connected/onConnected event not sent in 8.0.0

This problem is fixed in 8.0.1

Denial of Service (DoS)

  • SNYK-JAVA-ORGJSON-2841369 indicates a security warning (JSON 20090211 is almost universally used). This security vulnerability concerns DoS attacks on server-side applications. This is a client-side application and thus the risk is very low.

  • Use this Gradle script snippet to exclude org.json from the SDK:

implementation('com.iproov.sdk:iproov:<VERSION>') {
    exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json'

MOB-588: NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference

Seems to affect Huawei P30 Lite only. Unknown steps to reproduce, this is currently under investigation.

💡 If you have any additional insights to provide regarding the above issues, please contact support, referencing the MOB number.

7.x and below "singleInstance" Error

There are times where the following error is produced erroneously:

Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException Error launching iProov. A common cause of this error is launching iProov from an Activity with android:launchMode="singleInstance". Please either change the launchMode in AndroidManifest.xml, or consider using Option.ui.activityCompatibilityRequestCode and read the FAQ (

This happens rarely and is fixed in version 8.x+

Kotlin 1.6.10 and compile target 31+

SDK Version 7.2.0 updated dependencies and build requirements to Kotlin 1.6.10 and compile target 31+. This was reverted in 7.3.0.

Android 12: android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS is required

You should add this to your manifest for SDK version 7.0.3 or earlier.

💡 This permission was removed in SDK version 7.1.0 - the permission is no longer required.

MOB-671: call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) in SDK v7.0.0-7.0.2

Fatal issue in SDK v7.0.0 - v7.0.2 which would cause the SDK to crash on launch where minSdkVersion of the app was sent to API Level 23 or above.

💡 The issue was fixed in SDK v7.0.3.

MOB-623: Slow completion times in SDK versions prior to v6.5.2

SDK v6.5.2 resolves an issue where devices with a StrongBox keystore would take an excessive amount of time to complete.

A list of the affected devices can be found here. All customers are advised to upgrade to v6.5.2 or newer.

Increased false-reject rate for Liveness Assurance in SDK v6.2.0 to v6.3.1 (inclusive)

SDK v6.4.0 resolves an issue where the streamed video quality could be lower than expected, resulting in an increased false-reject rate for Liveness Assurance claims. All customers are advised to upgrade to v6.4.0 or newer.

Unsupported Devices

  • Huawei Rio
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