Comprehensive CLI Cheatsheet for OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker.
Most of the time oc
and kubectl
shares the same command set but some cases we have some differences.
has support for logging to OpenShift cluster- with
you need to create your kubeconfig file with credentials.
Read more OpenShift articles and How-to's on
- Developer CLI Commands
- 10 most important differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes
- Enterprise Kubernetes with OpenShift (Part one)
Table of Contents
- OpenShift, Kubernetes, Docker Cheat sheet
- CLI Installation
- Basic Structure of OpenShift/Kubernetes definition file
- Login and Logout
- oc status
- Managing Projects
- Viewing, Finding Resources
- Taints and Tolerations
- Controlling Access & Managing Users
- oc describe
- oc export
- Managing pods
- Managing Nodes
- PV & PVC - PersistentVolume & PersistentVolumeClaim
- oc exec - execute command inside a containe
- Events and Troubleshooting
- Help and Understand
- Applications
- Get Help
- Build from image
- Enable/Disable scheduling
- Resource quotas
- Labels & Annotations
- Limit ranges
- ClusterQuota or ClusterResourceQuota
- Config View
- Managing Environment Variables
- Security Context Constraints
- Services & Routes
- Scaling & AutoScaling of the pod - HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- Configuration Maps (ConfigMap)
- Creation of objects
- Reading config maps
- Dynamically change the config map
- Mounting config map as ENV
- The Replication Controller
- PersistentVolume
- PersistentVolumeClaim
- Deployments
- Deployment strategies
- Rolling
- Triggers
- Recreate
- Custom
- Lifecycle hooks
- Deployment Pod Resources
- Blue-Green deployments
- A/B Deployments
- Canary Deployments
- Rollbacks
- Pipelines
- Configuration Management
- Secrets
- Creation
- Using secrets in Pods
- Adding
- Removing
- Change triggers
- OpenShift Builds
- Troubleshooting
- Integrated logging
- Simple metrics
- Resource scheduling
- Multiproject quota
- Essential Docker Registry Commands
- Docker Commands
- Basic Networking
- Technical Jargons
- Points to Remember
- OpenShift 4 (to be moved to above sub-sections later)
- Acronyms
command line tool will be installed on all master and node machines during cluster installation. You can also install oc utility on any other machines which is not part of openshift cluster.
Download oc cli tool from :
On a RHEL system with valid subscription you can install with yum as below.
$ sudo yum install -y atomic-openshift-clients
Many common oc operations are invoked using the following syntax:
$ oc <action> <object_type> <object_name_or_id>
Download the latest release with the command:
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
Make the kubectl binary executable.
chmod +x ./kubectl
Move the binary in to your PATH.
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:
kubectl version
(below one is a service definition)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
type: NodePort
- targetPort: 80
port: 80
nodePort: 30008
app: myapp
type: front-end
oc login <cluster-api>:<port> -u admin -p openshift
# Login to openshift cluster
oc whoami # identify the current login
oc whoami -t # get token
oc whoami --show-console # show console URL
oc login -u system:admin # login to cluster from any master node without a password
oc logout # logout from cluster
kubectl auth whoami # Check who you are and your attributes
# (groups, extra).
oc status -v # get oc cluster status
oc types # to list all concepts and types
oc get projects # list Existing Projects
oc get project # Display current project
oc project myproject # switch to a project
oc new-project testlab --display-name='testlab' --description='testlab'
# create a new project
oc adm new-project testlab --node-selector='project101=testlab'
# create a new project with node-selector.
# Project pods will be created only those nodes with a label "project101=testlab"
oc delete project testlab # delete a project
oc delete all --all # delete all from a project
oc delete all -l app=web # delete all where label app=web
oc get all # list all resource items
-w watches the result output in realtime.
oc process # process a template into list of resources.
kubectl taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule
# Apply taint on node
kubectl taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule-
# untaint a node by using "-" at the end.
oc create user USER_NAME # create a user
oc adm add-role-to-user ROLE_NAME USERNAME -n PROJECT_NAME
# add cluster role to a user
# add-role-to-group - to add role to a group
# add-cluster-role-to-user - to add cluster role to a user
# add-cluster-role-to-group - to add cluster role to a group
oc adm add-role-to-user edit demo-user -n demo-project
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin develoer
# add cluster-admin role to the user developer
oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group \
self-provisioner \
system:authenticated \
# remove role from a group
oc get sa # list all service accounts
oc get cluserrole # list all cluster rolesrole
oc get rolebinding -n PROJECT_NAME
# list all roles details for the project
oc describe policybindings :default -n PROJECT_NAME
# OCP 3.7 < show details of a project policy details
oc describe rolebinding.rbac -n PROJECT_NAME
# OCP 3.7 > show details of a project policy details
oc describe user USER_NAME # details of a user
oc adm policy who-can edit pod -n PROJECT_NAME
# list details of access
You can also create user with HTPasswdIdentityProvider module as below.
htpasswd -b /etc/origin/master/htpasswd user1 password1
# create user1
# -b used to take password from command line rather than promopting for it.
htpasswd -D /etc/origin/master/htpasswd user1
# -D deletes user1
kubectl auth can-i create deployments
# check access
kubectl auth can-i create deployments \
--as user1
# check access for a user
kubectl auth can-i create deployments \
--as user1 \
--namespace dev
# check access for a user in a namespace
oc describe node <node1> # show deatils of a specific resource
oc describe pod POD_NAME # pod details
oc describe svc SERVICE_NAME # service details
oc describe route ROUTE_NAME # route details
# export a definition of a resource (creating a backup etc) in JSON or YAML format.
oc export pod mysql-1-p1d35 -o yaml
oc export svc/myapp -o json
Get pods, Rollout, delete etc.
oc get pods # list running pods inside a project
oc get pods -o wide # detailed listing of pods
oc get pod -o name # for pod names
oc get pods -n PROJECT_NAME # list running pods inside a project/name-space
oc get pods --show-labels # show pod labels
oc get pods --selector env=dev
# list pods with env=dev
oc get po POD_NAME -o=jsonpath="{..image}"
# get othe pod image details
oc get po POD_NAME -o=jsonpath="{..uid}"
# get othe pod uid details
oc adm manage-node NODE_NAME --list-pods
# list all pods running on specific node
oc rollout history dc/<name> # available revisions
oc rollout latest hello # deploy a new version of app.
oc rollout undo dc/<name> # rollback to the last successful
deployed revision of your configuration
oc rollout cancel dc/hello # cancel current depoyment
oc delete pod POD_NAME -n PROJECT_NAME --grace-period=0 --force
# delete a pod forcefully
if pod still stays in Terminating state,
try replace deletionTimestamp: null
as well as finalizers: null
(it may contain an item foregroundDeletion,
remove that)
kubectl get pods \
--server kubesandbox:6443 \
--client-key admin.key \
--client-certificate admin.crt \
--certificate-authority ca.cert
# specify credential and certificate details.
kubectl get pods --kubeconfig config
# or put those info inside a file `config` \
and call --kubeconfig in command
kubectl run --restart=Never --image=busybox static-busybox --dry-run -o yaml --command -- sleep 1000 > /etc/kubernetes/manifests/static-busybox.yaml
# Create a static pod named static-busybox
that uses the busybox image and
the command sleep 1000
oc get nodes # list nodes in a cluster
oc get node/NODE_NAME -o yaml
# to see a node’s current capacity and allocatable resources
oc get nodes --show-labels | grep -i "project101=testlab"
# show nodes info with lable and list only node with a lable "project101=testlab"
oc get nodes -L region -L env
# show nodes with "region" and "evn" labels
oadm manage-node compute-102 --schedulable=false
kubectl cordon node-2
# make a node unschedulable
oc adm drain compute-102
kubectl drain node-1 # drain node by evicting pods
-–force — force deletion of bare pods
–-delete-local-data — delete even if there are
pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted
when the node is drained)
-–ignore-daemonsets — ignore daemonset-managed pods
oadm manage-node compute-102 --schedulable=true
kubectl uncordon node-1 # enable scheduling on node
oc get pv # list all pv in the cluster
oc create -f mysqldb-pv.yml # create a pv with template
oc get pvc -n PROJECT_NAME # list all pvc in the project
oc set volume dc/mysqldb \
--add --overwrite --name=mysqldb-volume-1 -t pvc \
--claim-name=mysqldb-pvclaim \
--claim-size=3Gi \
# Create volume claim for mysqldb-volume-1
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc
oc exec <pd> -i -t -- <command>
# run command inside a container without login
eg: oc exec my-php-app-1mmh1 -i -t -- curl -v http://dbserver:8076
oc get events # list events inside cluster
oc logs POD # get logs from pod
oc logs <pod> --timestamps
oc logs -f bc/myappx # check logs of bc
oc rsh <pod> # login to a pod
# mention container name if you have
more than one container inside pod
oc explain <resource> # documentation of a resource and its fields
eg: oc explain pod
oc explain pod.spec.volumes.configMap
oc new-app
will create a,
- dc (deploynment configuration)
- is (image stream)
- svc (service)
oc new-app -h # list all options and examples
oc new-app mysql MYSQL_USER=user MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass MYSQL_DATABASE=mydb -l db=mysql
# create a new application
oc new-app --name=myapp
# create a new application from private registry
oc new-app --name=python-hello
# create a new application from source code (s2i)
# -i or --image-stream=[] : Name of an image stream to use in the app
How to find registry ?
oc get route -n default # you can see the registry url
# 2. oc help # list oc command help options
oc new-build openshift/nodejs-010-centos7~ --name='newbuildtest'
oadm manage-node mycbjnode --schedulable=false
# Disable scheduling on node
Hard constraints how much memory/CPU your project can consume
oc create -f <YAML_FILE_with_kind: ResourceQuota> -n PROJECT_NAME
# create quota details with YAML tempalte where kind should ResourceQuota
# Sample :
oc describe quota -n PROJECT_NAME
# describe the quota details
oc get quota -n PROJECT_NAME
# get quota details of the project
oc delete quota -n PROJECT_NAME
# delete a quota for the project
- Label examples: release, environment, relationship, dmzbased, tier, node type, user type
- Identifying metadata consisting of key/value pairs attached to resources
- Annotation examples:,,
- Primarily concerned with attaching non-identifying information, which is used by other clients such as tools or libraries
oc label node1 region=us-west zone=power1a --overwrite
oc label node node2 region=apac-sg zone=power2b --overwrite
oc patch node NODE_NAME -p '{"metadata": {"labels": {"project101":"testlab"}}}'
# add label to node
oc patch dc myapp --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"nodeselector":{"env":"qa"}}}'
# modify dc to run pods only on nodes where label 'evn':'qa'
oc label secret ssl-secret env=test
# add label
- mechanism for specifying default project CPU and memory limits and requests
oc get limits -n development
oc describe limits core-resource-imits -n development
oc create clusterquota for-user-developer --project-annotation-selector --hard pods=8
oc get clusterresourcequota |grep USER
# find the clusterresourcequota for USER
oc describe clusterresourcequota USER
oc config view # command to view your current, full CLI configuration
# also can see the cluster url, project url etc.
oc config get-contexts # lists the contexts in the kubeconfig file.
kubectl config view # to view the config in ~/.kube/config
kubectl config view --kubeconfig=path-to-config-file
# to view the config
kubectl config use-context dev@singapore-cluster
# to change the current-context
kubectl config -h # to list avaialbe options
oc env rc/RC_NAME --list -n PROJECT
# list environment variable for the rc
oc env rc my-newapp MAX_HEAP_SIZE=128M
# set environment variable for the rc
oc get scc # list all seven SCCs
- anyuid
- hostaccess
- Hostmount-anyuid
- hostnetwork
- nonroot
- privileged
- restricted
oc describe scc SCC_NAME # can see which all service account enabled.
oc expose service SERVICE_NAME route-name-project-name.default-domain
oc expose svc SERVICE_NAME
# create/expose a service route
oc expose service myapache --name=myapache
# if you don't mention the hostname, then
# it will create a hostname as route-name-project-name.default-domain
# if you don't mention the route name, then
# it will take the service name as route name
oc port-forward POD_NAME 3306:3306
# temporary port-forwarding to a port from local host.
oc scale dc/APP_NAME --replicas=2
# scale application (increase or decrease replicas)
oc autoscale dc my-app --min 1 --max 4 --cpu-percent=75
# enable autoscaling for my-app
oc get hpa my-app # list Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
oc describe hpa/my-app
kubectl create -f replicaset-defenition.yml
# create replicaset
kubectl create -f replicaset-defenition.yml -namespace=YOUR_NAMESPACE
# create in a specific namespace
kubectl replace -f replicaset-defenition.yml
# change the replicas option in replicaset defenition
# and then run it
kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f replicaset-defenition.yml
kubectl scale --replicas=6 replicaset myapp-replicaset
# this one will not update replica details
# in replicaset defenition file
kubectl delete replicaset myapp-replicaset
# delete replicaset
- Similar to secrets, but with non-sensitive text-based configuration
oc create configmap test-config --from-literal=key1=config1 --from-literal=key2=config2
oc volume dc/nodejs-ex --add -t configmap -m /etc/config --name=app-config --configmap-name=test-config
oc rsh nodejs-ex-26-44kdm ls /etc/config
oc delete configmap test-config
oc set env dc/nodejs-ex --from=configmap/test-config
oc describe pod nodejs-ex-27-mqurr
to be done
oc export
oc create
oc edit
oc exec POD_NAME <options> <command>
oc rsh POD_NAME <options>
oc delete RESOURCE_TYPE name
oc version
docker version
oc cluster up \
--host-data-dir=... \
oc cluster down
oc cluster up \
--host-data-dir=... \
--host-config-dir=... \
oc project myproject
- Supports stateful applications
- Volumes backed by shared storage which are mounted into running pods
- iSCSI, AWS EBS, NFS etc.
- Manifests that pods use to retreive and mount the volume into pod at initialization time
- Access modes: REadWriteOnce, REadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany
kubectl run blue --image=nginx --replicas=6
# Create a new deployment named blue
with nginx image and 6 replicas
kubectl set image deployment/myapp-dc
# specify new image to deployment
kubectl apply -f DEFINITION.YML
# apply new config to existing deployment
kubectl rollout undo deployment/myapp-dc
# rollback a deployment
kubectl rollout status deployment/myapp-dc
# status of deployment
kubectl rollout history deployment/myapp-dc
# history of deployment
oc new-app --name=green
oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"green"}}}'
oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"blue"}}}'
oc annotate route/ab
oc set route-backends ab cats=100 city=0
oc set route-backends ab --adjust city=+10%
oc rollback cotd --to-version=1 --dry-run
# Dry run only
oc rollback cotd --to-version=1
oc describe dc cotd
oc new-app jenkins-pipeline-example
oc start-build sample-pipeline
- Customizing Jenkins:
vim openshift.local.config/master/master-confi.yaml
autoProvisionEnabled: true
JENKINS_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG: jenkins-2-rhel7:latest
serviceName: jenkins
templateName: jenkins-ephemeral
templateNamespace: openshift
- Good resource for Jenkinsfiles:
- Maximum size 1MB
oc secret new test-secret cert.pem
oc secret new ssl-secret keys=key.pem certs=cert.pem
oc get secrets --show-labels=true
oc delete secret ssl-secret
- Mounting the secret as a volume
oc volume dc/nodejs-ex --add -t secret --secret-name=ssl-secret -m /etc/keys --name=ssl-keys deploymentconfigs/nodejs-ex
oc rsh nodejs-ex-22-8noey ls /etc/keys
- Injecting the secret as an env var
oc secret new env-secrets username=user-file password=password-file
oc set env dc/nodejs-ex --from=secret/env-secret
oc env dc/nodejs-ex --list
oc set env dc/nodejs-ex ENV=TEST DB_ENV=TEST1 AUTO_COMMIT=true
oc set env dc/nodejs-ex --list
oc set env dc/nodejs-ex DB_ENV-
- when uderlying image stream changes -
- when the config of the pod template changes
Source-to-Image (S2I): uses the opensource S2I tool to enable developers to reporducibly build images by layering the application's soure onto a container image
Docker: using the Dockerfile
Pipeline: uses Jenkins, developers provide Jenkinsfile containing the requisite build commands
Custom: allows the developer to provide a customized builder image to build runtime image
- Git
- Dockerfile
- Image
- Binary
- contains the details of the chosen build strategy as well as the source
oc new-app
oc get bc/nodejs-ex -o yaml
- unless specified otherwise, the
oc new-app
command will scan the supplied Git repo. If it finds a Dockerfile, the Docker build strategy will be used; otherwise source strategy will be used and an S2I builder will be configured
- Components:
- Builder image - installation and runtime dependencies for the app
- S2I script - assemble/run/usage/save-artifacts/test/run
- Process:
- Start an instance of the builder image
- Retreive the source artifacts from the specified repository
- Place the source artifacts as well as the S2I scripts into the builder image (bundle into .tar and stream into builder image)
- Execute assemble script
- Commit the image and push to OCP registry
- Customize the build process:
- Custom S2I scripts - their own assemble/run etc. by placing scripts in .s2i/bin at the base of the source code, can also contain environment file
- Custom S2I builder - write your own custom builder
- Adding the --follow flag to the start-build command
- oc get builds
- oc logs build/test-app-3
- oc set env bc/test-app BUILD_LOGLEVEL=5 S2I_DEBUG=true
oc adm diagnostics
: To test your command; this will not create the resource, instead, tell you weather the resource can be created and if your command is right. -
-o yaml
: to print the output in YAML (or JASON) format. -
Operational layers:
- Operating system infrastructure operations - compute, network, storage, OS
- Cluster operations - cluster managemebt OpenShift/Kubernetes
- Application operations - deployments, telemetry, logging
- the EFK (Elasticsearch/Fluentd/Kibana) stack aggregates logs from nodes and application pods
oc cluster up --logging=true
- the Kubelet/Heapster/Cassandra and you can use Grafana to build dashboard
oc cluster up --metrics=true
kubectl top node # memory and CPU usage on node
kubectl top pod # memory and CPU usage by pods
# 3. Enable metrics in minikube
minikube addons enable metrics-server
- default behavior:
best effor isolation = no primises what resources can be allocated for your project
might get defaulted values
out of memory killed randomly
might get CPU starved (wait to schedule your workload)
- you may use project labels or annotations when creating multiproject spanning quotas
oc login -u system:admin
oc login -u developer -p developer
oc describe AppliedClusterResourceQuota
# before we push images, we need to
login to docker registry.
docker login -u developer -p ${TOKEN} \
# TOKEN can be get as TOKEN=$(oc whoami)
docker images --no-trunc --format '{{.ID}} {{.CreatedSince}}' --filter "dangling=true" --filter "before=IMAGE_ID"
# list image with format and
# using multiple filters
kubectl create secret docker-registry private-docker-cred \
[email protected]
# Create a secret for docker-registry
Then specify the image pull secret under the imagePullSecrets
of pod/deployment definition (same level of container
- name: private-docker-cred
Docker commands Dockerfile references are moved to
(For docker/kubernetes/openshift operations)
ip link # show interface of host
ip addr add dev eth0
# assign IP to an interface
ip route add via
# add a route to another network
via which is our router/gateway.
ip route add default via
# add defaulr route to any network; like internet
you can also mention instead of default
route # display kernel routing table
ip netns add newnamespace # create a new network namespace
ip netns # list network namespaces
ip netns exec red ping IP_ADDRESS
ip netns exec newnamespace ip link
# display details inside namespace
ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-blue
# create a pipe or virtual eth (veth)
ip link set veth-red netns red
# attach the virtual interface to a namespace
ip -n red addr add dev veth-red
# assign ip for virtual interface (veth)
inside a namespace
ip -n red link set veth-red up
# make virtual interface up and running
ip link add v-net-0 type bridge
# add linux bridge
OSSM OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM)
Istio is the upstream project
- The upstream Istio community installation automatically
injects the sidecar to namespaces you have labeled.
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh does not automatically
inject the sidecar to any namespaces, but requires you to
specify the annotation as
illustrated in the Automatic sidecar injection section.
CRI-O Container Runtime Interface
OCI Open Container Initiative
cgroup control group
Jaeger Distributed Tracing System
kiali observability console for Istio
Kiali answers the questions:
- What microservices are part of my Istio service mesh?
- How are they connected?
- How are they performing?
runc CLI tool for spawning and running
containers according to the OCI specification.
FaaS Function as a Service
CaaS Containers as a service
- Docker was started as a project by a company called dotCloud, made available as open source in March 2013.
- Kubernetes surfaced from work at Google in 2014, and became the standard way of managing containers.
oc get clusterversion # retrieve the cluster version
oc get clusteroperators # retrieve the list of all cluster operators
oc adm node-logs -u crio my-node-name
oc adm node-logs -u kubelet my-node-name
oc adm node-logs my-node-name
# display all journal logs of a node
oc debug node/my-node-name
...output omitted...
sh-4.4# chroot /host
sh-4.4# systemctl is-active kubelet
sh-4.4# toolbox # start toolbox container
oc logs pod-name
oc logs pod-name container-name
oc debug deployment/deployment-name --as-root
# debug pod for the application
oc rsh pod-name
oc cp /source pod-name:/destination
oc port-forward pod-name local-port:remote-port
oc get pods --loglevel 6 # or 10
oc get storageclass
oc set volumes deployment/example-application \
--add --name example-pv-storage \
--type pvc --claim-class nfs-storage \
--claim-mode rwo \
--claim-size 15Gi \
--mount-path /var/lib/example-app \
--claim-name example-pv-claim
Cluster Network Operator (to see the pod network, service network and so on)
oc get network/cluster -o yaml
MCS- Machine Configuration Server