Automatically generates NTU timetable in Google Calendar
Completed, but tiny details are not settled.
- Saves similar class types together (e.g. Tutorials into one calendar, Lectures into another)
- Allows calendar names to be different from defaults
- Allows creation of a calendar for week numbers only
- Allows different dates to be selected
- Removes classes in recess week
- Retrieves details about the location from NTU map
- ./assets/classes/GoogleAuth.class.php
- AUTHCONFIGFILE: client_secret.json
- REDIRECT_DEV: where to redirect the user after authorisation attempt
- Refer to Google Calendar API Documentation for details
- ./oauth2callback.php
- REDIRECT_AFTER_AUTH: where to redirect the user after successful authorisation
- Comments
- Odd and even week classes after recess week is incorrect
- You must manually adjust the dates after recess week for odd and even week classes