Fully dockerized browser-based Visual Studio Code IDE inside a docker container. Includes terminal, scheduler and filebrowser.
To launch Code Server
docker run --name codeserver -d -p 8020-8035:8020-8035 vinothmohan/code-server
To Open Code server in browser
http://<localhost or public-ip>:8025
To Open Workspace
http://<localhost or public-ip>:8020
- Terminal - secure browser-based terminal.
- FileBrowser - manage files and folders inside the workspace, and exchange data between local environment and the workspace
- Cronicle - task scheduler and runner, with a web based front-end UI. It handles both scheduled, repeating and on-demand jobs, targeting any number of worker servers, with real-time stats and live log viewer.
- Static File Server - view any static html sites as easy as if you do it on your local machine. Serve static websites easily.
- Ungit - rings user friendliness to git without sacrificing the versatility of it.
- MkDocs - maintain documentation for your workspace or project with only markdown.
- Process Monitor - Monitor running process and resource utilization.